When will you love me?

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*A quick note. The next few chapters will only be in Finn's Pov, Rachel's POV will come in after a few chapters. Thank you for reading*

Over the past few months, my memory still hasn't returned, the only thing I do remember is the fire but I haven't been able to remember Rachel. Everyday that passes, I see her heartache and there is nothing I could do. I have been back at work for two weeks and It feels so good to finally be back.

We had just returned from a car accident, when my phone went off. Looking at the screen it was Rachel. Smiling I answered "hello?"

"Hey Finn, how's work?" She asked me. She sounded weird, like she was crying.

"Fine, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nnothing is why?"

"You sound like you were crying" I told her and went to the sleeping quarters.

"I'm fine, have you had any calls today?" She asked me

"Yeah a few car accidents that's about it, are you sure you're okay?"

"Okay and yes I'm fine Finn" I knew something was wrong but she wouldn't tell me.

"Why are you lying to me? I know you are crying so just tell me"

"When will you love me again Finn? It's been over three months and you still act the same as you did when you first woke up." She said and I sighed.

"Rachel we have been over this, you know the answer to that question"

"I understand you can't remember me but you haven't even tried to remember. You stay away from me as if I have the plaque. We are married Finn, I'm tired. I just want my husband back, I have tried everything and you push me away. I don't know how much longer I can do this" she said and I heard her begin to cry.

"You know why I stay away? Its because every time I'm around you, all I want to do is rip off your clothes off and have sex with you. Rachel, I am attracted to you but babe you need to be patient. I care for you, I really do and I'm sorry how hard this is on you."

"Well its just as hard on me too. I haven't had sex with you in almost a year, everytime I'm around you I get turned on, but you push me away Finn. I love you so much, you don't know what I went through when you were in the hospital, only for you to wake up and forget me. It broke my heart Finn"

"I know it does babe, look I'm off tomorrow at six am. Let's go out to dinner tomorrow night, we can go anywhere you want" I said and smiled even though she couldn't see it.

"Like a date?" She asked and I know she was smiling.

"Yes babe, a date. I'll pick you at 7, sound good?"

"Yes Finn. Perfect, can't wait. Oh I have to go honey, I have patients to care for" she said

"Okay, text me later after you get off work" I told her

"I will bye" she said and hung up. Shaking my head, I got up from the bed and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Finn" David said when I walked in.

"Hey Dave, where's everyone at?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"I think the rookies are washing the rigs and Luke is some where around here" he said and I sat down.

"What about me?" Luke asked when he walked into the Kitchen.

"I asked where you were. Do you want to run drills or wait?" I asked him

"We can run drills, today has been slow and I think the guys are beginning to slack off" he said and I stood up.

For the next two hours we ran drills, It felt so good to be back at work. I was begining to feel normal again, well except for the whole marriage thing. I'm still unsure of that, I want to remember everything before the fire but then again I don't. I don't know what I want and I hope I can figure it out soon. The sound of the alarm pulled me from my thoughts. Saved by the bell as the saying goes. Running over to engine 6, I threw my gear on and jumped into the cab. Luke was on the radio. I wasn't listening to him, my mind had driffed to Rachel. We came to a stop and I looked out the window to see two cars. I couldn't make out the models due to their shape. Metal was twisted and the windows were shattered, the tires were no longer straight. I know this wasn't going to be a good outcome. Jumpimg out of the truck, I walked over to Kelly. I couldn't understand the look she was giving me. She looked sad.

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