On call

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The heat was rising, sweat pouring down my face, the smoke was thick and it made it impossible to see ahead of me but I pushed myself through the dense smoke following the screams. Feeling along a wall as moved, my hand hit a door, gripping my Axe, I swung and hit the door, when it didn't break the lock, I swung it again. Snap!! kicking the door it slammed against the wall. Dropping to my knees, I made way toward the screams. The closer I got the louder they were. "Firedepartment, I'm here to help" I yelled when I reached another door.

"please help me" the voice was young, jumping to my feet, I crashed through the bedroom door and Quickly ran to the child. Making my way to her, i crouched down and lifted her into my arms "You're safe now, I got you" I told the little girl as she gripped onto me. Taking my oxygen mask off, I placed it around her small head. "take small breaths, I'm going to get you out of here okay?" I told her. She nodded her small head, holding her close to me, I ran out of the room. Making my way back to the front door. Picking up the pace, I gripped the child tighter, Flames were getting higher and smoke burning my lungs but I pushed my legs to move faster. My eyes were burning, my breathing getting shorter, faster I told myself, I'm almost there. Finally I can see the opening and bolted out of the house. The EmT's quickly rushed over to me and I handed the child over. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, I sat down on the grass and placed my head on my arms.

"Here" I glanced up from my arms, to see a bottle of water being shoved in my face.

"Thanks Luke" I mumbled before chugging the entire bottle of water. My throat still burned but I'm use to it by now.

"You're welcome Finn, great job I'm there. Do you need more water?" I nodded my head yes and he walked away, only to return a few minutes later and handed me two more bottles of water.

"How's the girl?" I asked him once I finished my second bottle.

"Besides shock and smoke inhalation she will be fine" he answered with a small smile and I sighed in relief. I'm glad she will be fine but I still can't get over the fact that her parents just left there daughter home alone.

"How old is she Luke? And where are her parents?" I asked him and I watched as he frowned.

"She's five and noone has heard from her parents" he answered, his voice was laced with anger and saddness but unforetunately our job is only to save people.

I was angry, beyond angry, who leaves their child home alone and not even bother to show up. She could've died if it wasn't for me saving her and her damn parents can't even check on her. I was about to speak my mind when Brett the Emt ran over to me "Finn, that little girl won't let us take her away unless you come with her" he said and I just looked up at him the ground. Why would she want me? Well if her lousy parents won't take care of her, the least I can do is stay with her until a family member comes for her. Glancing over at Luke, he nodded his head and told me to go.

Sighing, I grabbed my water bottle and stood up "alright, let's go" I said and followed him to the ambulance, I could hear the child crying her heart out, she was scared and alone. When we reached the stretcher she was placed on, she looked over at me and held her little arms out. I didn't know what to do, the daddy in me wanted to take the girl but the other part of me wanted to leave her here. The dad in me won, I reached out and took her into my arms. Atleast she will have some type of comfort until someone comes for her.

Climbing up into the squad, I held the child close to me. If this was Alexa, I would want someone to comfort her until I could get to her. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was really wrong with this situation and I know Luke did also. Brett jumped into the squad after me and sat down in front of us.

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