Last alarm

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Finn's POV

I woke up Monday morning and rolled out of bed. I wasn't looking forward to today. I didn't sleep very well last night, all I dreamed about was Ricks death, I can still remember it clearly.

*the fatal call*

"hey man, Molly and I are having a BBQ Wednesday, if you and Lexa would like to come" Rick said when he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, we will be there, I'm sure Lexa misses Rosie" I said and took a sip of my coffee.

"Rosie misses her, I'll let Molly know you're coming, a few of the guys and their families will be there also, so the girls will have tons of kids to play with" he said taking a seat next to me.

"sounds great, I miss Molly's cooking. She is the one cooking and not you right? I don't want to get food poisoning again" I asked and laughed.

"dude shut up, I can't help it that meat was bad and yes Molly is cooking" he said and laughed along with me.

I was sick with food poisoning for a week" I said laughing.

"you are such a cry baby, the food wasn't that bad" he said.

"it was horrible man, you cant cook for shit, hell I'm shocked you knew how to make a bottle"

"ha-ha very funny, Molly doesn't complain when I cook for her" he said.

"that's probably because she doesn't know its take out"

"same thing, I just didn't cook it someone else did, she never knows it either"

"im pretty sure she does man, she's not stupid" I said and laughed. We continued to joke around until the alarm went off.

"you ready man?" he asked when we were in the truck.

"yeah, let's roll. First ones in and last ones out" I said as we fist bumped.

"always man, first in last out" he said. When we arrived, we learned that there might be people inside, including two kids. Luke was giving us the orders but before he could finish Rick ran to the building, running after him I tried to find out which way he went, the heat was horrible and I could hear the building creaking. "RICK" I yelled as I went up the first flight of stairs. First rule of firefighting never go in alone. "RICK" I yelled again, the building was on the verge of collapsing, we needed to get out and now. Reaching the second floor, I yelled out for him again, I couldn't see or hear him. Where the hell is he? I was about to head up the third floor when the ceiling above me started to give and I did something I never thought I would ever do. I ran, I had no choice, I had to turn back or I would die. With a heavy heart, I ran down to the first floor and out of the building. When I safely made it to the truck, the building collapsed, killing my partner. It wasn't until later that night, we found out no one was actually in the building, the family whom people thought were inside, happened to be on vacation. His death could've been prevented had he stayed with me and now I will forever blame myself for not being able to reach him.

Finn's POV

Laying my class A uniform out on my bed, I stared down at it, I wasn't ready for today. Rick has been my partner for 8 years, he was there for Alexa's birth and for the death of her mother, now today we are giving him his final send off. I cant keep thinking about how that could've been me. After an hour of showering, I dressed in my uniform before heading to the fire department. Rick had stated in his will that he wanted the starting point of his memorial in front of the fire department. Arriving at the department, the apparatus was already washed and waiting out front, it was now that I realized his death was real. The flag was flying at half mast and will be until he is laid to rest. Walking inside all the men and women were dressed and waiting for the memorial to begin. If a firefighter dies, they receive a full military funeral, same for police officers as a sign of respect for dying in the line of duty. I was lost in thought until Luke walked up to me,

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