Life is too short

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*****I am so sorry for the late update everyone, its been a very crazy few weeks but I am back, I wrote this chapter for many reasons, this has been weighing on my heart this past week. I will not get into detail because it is irrelevant but I will say this Life is wayy too short, cherish the memories with friends and family. Forgive those who have done wrong and build new friendships because you will never know when that person will be gone!!*****


Waking up this morning, I glanced down at my watch and Practically jumped from the hospital bed. After 1 week and a half of being in the hospital I was finally going home today! I began to rip the iv out of my arm and unhooked the machines. I hated those machines, all night I would hear the continuous beeping and it drove me literally insane!

The hospital food was even worse, I know I lost weight but who wouldnt! The food is nasty enough to kill a mouse, im sure of it! Nurses and Doctors would come check on me every 20 minutes. I know i havent slept longer than an hour over the past week!

I cant wait to get out of this hell hole, the " How are you sir" and "do you need anything" questions were really beginning to get to me. The room itself made me angry, there's not even a spec of color everything is just white. White wall, white, flooring, white sheets, white chairs, WHITE everything!! I hate this place and vow to never come back to this place.

Rachel and I have been fighting, Once again she asked me if I would concider quitting my job. I'm not sure if she will ever figure it out. I will never quit, saving lives is what i do, its what im good at. I'm tired of her asking, hell I'm tired of it all. Everything I do, it pisses her off one way or another. I cant win and I know I will never win this battle.

My mom and dad visit me every day and bring Alexa with them. She is the main reason I fight so hard to live. All my life I wanted to be good at something and in her eyes im a hero. She only sees me as her daddy, the hero. Alexa understand more than any other soon to be five year old. Ever since she could talk, I taught her about what I do. I explained to her that there's a possibity daddy might die and she understood. Some people ask me " How can you say that to your daughter" or "Why would you become a firefighter knowing you could die", the truth is; if i die, i know it will be from saving another person. Noone will ever understand and I know Alexa doesnt fully understand what my job really is and thats okay all she needs to know is that her daddy loves her and loves to save lives.

My life is anything but a bed of roses, I risk my life so that others can continue living theirs. In highschool, I watched my best friend die in a car accident. I was hopeless, I had no training, nothing but i still tried to save him and before he closed his eyes he looked up at me and said "Thank you for trying". Watching someone take their last breath, even though I did perform Cpr, made me want to be the person others rely on. Firefighting isnt something you can just give up on because I would be giving up on all those people.

As soon as I unhooked the machine, Nurses rushed in to see what was wrong. Damn machines always ruin everything.

"FINN, you can't just unhook those machines!" Maria yelled and I shrugged.

"Maria, you try sitting in this hard ass bed for over a week. I can bet you 200 dollars, that you wont last" I argued back. Rolling her eyes, she walked over and unplugged the stupid, annoying machine.

"well, glad to see you aren't dead Finn"

"GEE, thanks. I'm not sure if I should thank you for that very sweet comment or Fire back. Either way get me the Fuck out of this bed" I was so angry and beyond ready to get the hell out of this place.

"God Finn, you are such an ass sometimes" she exclaimed and I laughed.

"AND you're a bitch all the time" I fired back. I never cared for Maria. She was the one who convinced Rachel that I need to quit my job.

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