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"Finn!!!! Luke, Lauren and the girls are here" Rachel yelled up the stairs. I had just finished up my shower when I heard her yell. I wasn't looking forward to today, since bringing Brielle came home from the hospital Rachel and I haven't been on the best of terms. She thinks that I'm being selfish and that everything is fine but it's not. I'm miserable, between work and now taking care of another child I haven't had time to relax. My head is all over the place, when I get a few minutes alone, either my pager goes off or Rachel yells at me for never paying attention to her. I can't win, I'm a horrible husband if I don't call her or text her every second of the day or that I don't care about Brielle because I don't try to spend time with her. Alexa is my daughter and I hardly spend time with her as it is and it kills me.

Every day it's something with her. I pick up extra shifts at work just to pay the bills while she takes a break from nursing. I'm at my breaking point and I don't know what to do.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled my boots on and walked down the stairs. Lauren instantly spotted me and ran over to hug me. Bending down to hug her, I laughed lightly, she stood at roughly 5"1 on a good day so compared to my rather large frame, she looked like a dwarf. She giggled when I let her go, she was a very gorgeous woman and so full of energy. I smiled down at her before looking up at Rachel, who was glaring at me. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to Luke and shook his hand.

"hey man, glad you all could come" I said and meant it. Luke was more a brother to me and i enjoy his company.

"me too, the kids will have a blast but I know I could use a beer" he suggested with a smile and I laughed as I slapped his shoulder.

"come on man, me too" I said and led him into the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator I grabbed a bud light for him and a corona or me. Passing his over to him, I opened mine and took a long swig. This won't be strong enough but it will somewhat ease the tension.

"so, what's going on?" he asked me after he took a swig of his beer.

"not much really" I shrugged my shoulders and continued drinking my beer. Yup, definitely not strong enough.

"dude, I know you; stop lying to me and tell me what's going on" I knew he wouldn't give up, until I told him what was going on.

Finishing my beer, I threw the bottle in the trash and grabbed another "Luke, I can't take this anymore, I feel like I can't Fucking breath without her down my throat all damn day. I get bitched at for working so long, yelled at for never spending enough time with her or texting her when I have a minute. When I'm off, she has plans for me. If I sleep the wrong way or eat the wrong way she complains. I can't take it man, I'm too my breaking point" finishing my rant, I chugged my beer and grabbed another. I needed a release anything to help calm me down.

"Finn, I understand that it's rough now that Brielle is in the picture but you are strong, it will get better. Marriages aren't perfect, I sure as hell know that but if you work together, everything will work out" laughing I sat down next to him.

"Luke, this has been going on since before Brielle came into the picture. I've even thought about divorce man. I love her, I really do but I'm breaking down and she is the reason. I try to talk to her and she pretends that we are fine, hell last night I caught her talking to another man. She denied it by saying it was Maria but unless Maria has a deep manly voice, she is lying. The bad part is, I'm not shocked either" finishing off my third beer, I stood up and went to throw it away. Opening the top cabinet, I grabbed the rum and two shot glasses. Handing one over to Luke, I poured us a shot. I'm not a drunk nor was I trying to get drunk, I just needed a slight buzz to get through today.

"Finn, do you really believe she would cheated on you?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"yes actually i do" I didn't think know twice about saying that because I truly think she would. I know she's hiding something and right now I don't care what it is.

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