Come back to me

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Sitting next to Finn as he lies there on the bed mothionless, I silently prayed that he will show me any type of sign that he knows I'm with him. Gendly touching his rough and callased hand, he never budged. I felt my heart shatter, as im faced with the fear of losing him once again. He's a warrior, He runs into burning buildings, surely he would fight to live just like he fights fires.

Each hour that passes I begin to worry that he will never come back to me. The doctor's keep telling us that he is doing well but since hes been in a coma for 24 hours I'm losing hope. I dont want to give up or lose hope but I'm struggling to keep myself together. If I lost Finn, I wouldnt know what to do or how to cope.

When Rick died, I remember Finn saying to me "This is why I promised myself that I would never get married. The thought of leaving you and my children alone scares me". I smiled at him and told him he would never die because I wouldnt let him and now here we are, once again and he is fighting for his life. I can't handle seeing him like this and I'm scared he will wake up not knowing who I am. None the less, I won't leave his side and pray that he will wake up soon. 

I  reached down and grabbed his hand to kiss it. Tears began to flow when he didn't react to my touch "Finn, please come back to me honey, we need you so much. I cant loose you honey, not when I just go you back. Please fight for us, don't give up" I whispered laying my head on his chest to listen to his heart beat. His heart began to beat faster and then as if it was too much. He flat lined.

I stopped breathing as the Panic began to set in when the machine made that God awful noice and suddenly Nurses and Doctors came rushing into the room. One Nurse tried to force me to leave but I clenched onto Finn as if I would die if I left him. I shook him and begged for him to come back. He can't leave, he just cant. Secondly later, I felt something Prick my arm and The room began to spin before I was engulfed with darkness.


I was sitting at the nurses station when I heard the "Code Blue" alarm and my heart stopped when I looked in the direction the alarm came from. Finns room. Snapping into action, I ran to the room. Seeing Rachel Clenching Finn, my heart broke. She was shaking Finn and screaming for him to come back and I had no choice but to give her a mild tranquilizer to calm her down.

The Doctor was putting pads on Finns chest when Rachel Finally closed her eyes. Thanking God above that she wasnt awake to see him like this. I almost couldnt stand here because it was just too hard to watch them as they tried to revive him. Jackie, one of the nurses checked Finn's pulse, while Derek grabbed the oxygen mask. When no pulse was detected she began chest compressions. After 30 reps she stopped, Derek titled Finns head back and checked for breathing before sqeezing the oxygen bag twice. When they felt no pulse again, Jackie continued performing Cpr for the remaining 2 minutes. After performing cpr unsuccesfully, Doctor James placed resuscitation electrode pads,  peeled off their backing and applied them to Finn's chest. Once the electrodes were placed he then connected the pads to the defibrillator.

"delivering shock, stand clear " James yelled after turning the machine on and everyone stood back. Suddenly, Finns body lifted slightly from the bed and I cringed. I needed to get out of here, I cant stand to see him like this but I couldnt move. I was stuck in place as the doctor delivered him another shock.

"stand clear everyone, delibering shock" Doctor James said. Noone said a word, everyone loved Rachel and Finn so seeing him like this was hard on everyone in the room.

After what seemed like eternity, I heard the machine begin to beep again and I fell to the floor crying. Finn was alive.


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