Call of life

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I was sitting with Luke in his office when the alarm went off, jumping from our chairs, we ran into the bay and jumped into our gear.

"Okay let's roll" I yelled as we jumped into the cab of the trucks. I grabbed the radio "Engine one and two enroute to state and Lincoln intersection time 1200".

I sent up a silent prayer and looked ahead. A crowd began to form and cars were everywhere along the roads, which made it harder for us to get through.

Marinez leaned forward and looked ahead of us "omg Finn, that truck is on the railroad tracks" he yelled. The closer we got to the scene the worst the situation is.

"Martinez and Scott, stay with me when we arrive" I told them and looked over at Luke.

"There's a motorcycle involved and we need to radio in, all trains in the area need to be stopped" I told him as we came to stop. I jumped from the cab and went over to the truck that was on the train tracks, along with Scott and Martinez. "Scott check the passenger" I told him and he ran to the passenger side door, while I went around to the driverside.

The man inside was awake and bleeding from his head "Sir I'm Lieutenant Finn, I'm here to help you. Where are you hurting?" I asked him.

"I can't feel my legs, please my wife won't wake up, please help her first" he begged and I looked over the car at Martinez.

He shook his head "no pulse Finn, she's gone" he said softly so that her husband wouldn't hear.

I looked down at the man "sir, she will be taken care of I promise but I need to get you out of here" I told him and he nodded, he was beginning to close his eyes but I kept talking to him. "Sir, I need you to stay awake, can you tell me if anything else hurts?"

He groaned "my neck and I can't feel my arms" he told me. I glanced down at his arms and they had cuts but no injuries significant enough to cause paralasis.

"Okay sir, listen I promise we will get you out of here but I need you to stay awake. Can you do that?" I asked him and he nodded his head." Sir try not to move your head, answer yes or no if i ask you a question" i told him. Suddenly heard a train in the distance. "LUKE A TRAIN IS COMING" I yelled, pedestrians began to scream and run around and police and firefighters had to calm them down. I looked back at the crew. "We need to get this truck off of here NOW!!!" I yelled and everyone snapped into gear. Scott ran back to the truck and grabbed a tow rope, after he hooked it to both of the bumpers, he gave me the thumbs up.

"Back up slowly Luke" I yelled and he nodded his head. He began to back the engine up and the truck began to slowly move. I looked back in the distance, the train was fast approaching. "I need everyone away from the tracks" I told the bystanders and they all.backed up. God, if today is my last day, please watch over my family. I silently prayed.

"LUKE faster the train is coming" I yelled as I began to get scared. I didn't want to die and not this way not by a damn train. I ran over to the truck bed and began to push it and Luke had to be careful with the rope, if it snaps we will be in serious trouble.

Inch my inch the truck moved but the train was getting closer, five other firefighters came over and helped push while Luke pulled it from the front. Heavy, the truck was heavy and my heart was beating faster. I was scared the rope looked ready to snap, I looked up at Luke and nodded my head telling him to floor it. Knowing that he got my signal, he pressed his foot down on the gas and the truck flew off the tracks. I took a deep breath and sighed in relief when the truck slid of the tracks and back onto the road.

"Scott, hows the man on the motor cycle?" I asked him quickly.

He looked down and sighed "he's gone Finn" shit two Doa in one day.

I shook my head and placed my hand on his shoulder "unfortunately, We can't save them all. Sometimes I hate our job" I said and walked away. I made my way over to the truck, they were able to get the woman from inside the truck out and the coroner took her away. The man inside was trapped, so it was taking them a little longer to get him out.

"Finn, we are losing him fast, we need to get him out, he might have a broken neck" Kelly said when she ran over to me. I nodded my head and ran over to see what was taking them so long.

"We need to get him out now guys, move out of the way" I yelled and they moved over. The entire front end was crushed and it made it almost impossible for us to get him out. I began to cut the metal from around his legs. Blood was everywhere and both of his legs were crushed but I kept cutting until his legs were free. "Kelly, he's losing a lot of blood" I yelled and she rushed over. When his legs were free, I cut the seat belt and hauled him out of the truck as carefully as I could and placed him on the stretcher. Once he was inside the squad, they took off. His condition was critical and I prayed that he will make it.

Running my hand through my hair I looked around. Metal was everywhere and the motorcycle was destroyed. Tow trucks showed up and began to load the twisted metal onto the back of the trucks.

Two lives were lost today, times like today where I hated my job, we are trained to save others and when someone dies it takes a toll on you. I walked over to Luke

"alright let's head back to the station guys" he said when I approached them. I nodded my head and jumped into the cab.

Noone said a word while we drove back to the station, each of us with a heavy heart. As firefighters we can't let a loss affect us, we understand that we can't have everyone but that doesn't mean it won't affect us. The victim that dies, leaves behind a family and friends. Today is a sad day for sure but hopefully tomorrow will be better.



Austin had met me at the hospital after he talked with Lisa and Derek.

"Austin, why did they do it?" I asked him, afraid of what he would tell me.

He sighed and looked at me "I don't know Rach, all they said was they wanted to get rid of her. I think they were on something and that set them off. They didn't hesitate signing those papers, she's in your care now" he told me. I looked over at Brielle, she was sleeping peacefully and I smiled down at her. How could anyone harm a child?

"I just don't understand Austin how they could harm her and I'm worried about Finn. I havent heard from him since he left last night. What if he leaves me?" I was ranting but I didn't care. I was afraid Finn woundn't want to take her in.

Austin laughed and my head snaped in his direction"what the hell is so funny Austin?"

"Rachel you worry too much, Finn won't leave you because of this I promise. I know this is a very stressful time but it will get better sis. I promise" he said and I smiled. I hope he's right but deep down I knew that we couldn't take on another child, not right now.

"Austin, I love Brielle but I don't think we can handle another child right now, Finn is still healing and I don't think we can be the parents she needs"

"I understand Rachel, can you just take her in until after the trial? I will figure everything out but until then just make her feel safe and loved" he said to me and turned to look down at Brielle "if I could, I would take her Rach but I have four kids and another on the way, Michelle and I can't take care of six kids. You both will be okay, I promise" he stood up from his chair and came over to hug me. I couldn't help but wish things would get better, the past year and a half have been so stressful. I stay up late at night praying for a break, all i want right now is for my life to just settle down. The stress is taking a toll on my body and I've been so sick lately, adding another child will only cause extra stress on Finn and I.

Austin left shortly after to head back home. After checking on Brielleome last time, i hoped she would sleep longer. I havent been able to get any sleep during the night because every two hours she wakes up and screams out for Finn. Kissing her cheek and tucking her in, I laid back on the small couch in the room and closed me eyes, hoping to get an hour or two of sleep before she wakes up.


Sorry for such a short chapter, the next will be longer. Let me know what you all think of this so far. This week has been crazy but I promise to update soon :-)

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