Fighting to live

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Pain, heat and darkness. I couldn't open my eyes but I was aware of my surroundings. I could hear the voices getting closer to me but i couldn't speak. The pain racking through my body was enough to make me scream but nothing came out. Panic began to set it as I tried to move my legs but I couldnt feel them, suddenly my career and life flashed before my eyes. Thousands of questions raced through my mind Am I paralzed? am I dead? What will happen if I can't walk? Will Rachel leave me if I'm permanently in a wheelchair?

I tried to open my eyes but my body wasn't responding. I could hear and feel the building crumbling and shaking around me before giving and collapsing once again.


"he's alive,  let's get him out of here now!" I yelled up at the men. Lopez was the first down and began to help me get the concrete blocks off from on top of Finn.

"Luke, are you okay man?" Lopez asked me and I looked over at him.

"let's just focus of my brother" I told him and he nodded before tossing another piece of rubble.

"hurry up!  He needs to get to the hospital he is bleeding internally" Kelly yelled and more men jumped down to help. When Finn was free, we loaded him onto the stretcher and hauled him up.

When he was loaded into the ambulance Kelly turned to me "Luke, I think you should call Rachel" she said and I looked down at her.

"is he going to die kells?" I asked her, afraid of the answer.

She sighed and placed her hand on my shoulder "it's not looking good Luke" she said and jumped in the back with him. I watched hopelessly as they drove away, my best friend was dying and there's nothing that I could do. When the ambulance was out of sight, I ran over to the fire truck and grabbed my cell phone and made the hardest phone call for the second time in my life.

"hello" Rachel voice flowed through the phone and I nearly broke down.

"Rachel, you need to go to the hospital now" I told her and wiped away a tear.

" he alive? Please tell me he's alive" she screamed into the phone and I broke down.

"barely, just go now" I told her and hung up the phone.

Leaning against the truck, I took my helmet off and sunk to the ground as the emotions took over my body.


When I heard Rachel screaming, I ran into the kitchen and found her on the ground crying. Running over to her and dropping down next to her, i scooped her into my arms and rocked her.

"Rachel, please tell me if my son is okay or not" If Finn was dead, I know that I would feel it.

"its not good, please take me to the hospital" she cried, nodding I began to help her up off the floor. When we stood up, I noticed that Frank was standing in the doorway crying.

"is my son dead" he asked me and I shook my head.

"I would feel it if my son was dead honey, please just get us to the hospital" I told him and he grabbed the keys.

The drive to the hosptial was silent, everyone to afraid to speak. I was having a hard time keeping it together, my son was in critical condition and as a mother I felt hopeless. Noone ever wants to hear  that dreaded call saying your son is dying. I kept thinking back to the day Finn turned 18 and he had come home guns blazing saying that he was going to join the fire department. I remember telling him no because he will get hurt and he looked at me saying "mama, our days are already numbered, if i die atleast I will die giving someone else one more day to live". My son is a hero but im not ready to give him up. No parent should ever have to bury their children and my heart breaks for those who have. The day Finn was born I knew he would do great things when he grew up. He has saved so many lives and now hes fighting for his life.

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