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Beep beep beep

I woke up and tried to shut off the alarm, except I couldn't move my arms. Opening my eyes I was no longer in my room. Where the hell am I? Looking at my arms, I was hooked up to machines. Closing my eyes I tried to remember what happened last night and all I could remember was Lexa telling me goodnight. How did I get here, I was beginning to freak out when a nurse walked into the room. When she looked at me she yelled for the doctor.

"Sir I need you to relax" she told me.

"Relax? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't know how I even got here" I told her and she looked at me with concern. Before she could answer a man walked in.

"Hello I'm Dr. Micheals, do you remember anything?" He asked me and I wanted to laugh.

"Does it look like I do? Last night my daughter told me goodnight and then I wake up in a fucking hospital room" I told him and he looked over at the nurse " can someone tell me what the hell is going on and why I am hooked to these damn Machines" the Doctor took a seat next to the bed and took a deep breath.

"Sir, you have been in a coma for six months. You were brought in here after a building collapsed on you and your partner. You had severe head trama and second degree burns" he said and I laughed at him.

"Good one doc, that's impossible. I just got off my 48 hour shift yesterday" I told him.

"Mr. Hudson.." he started and I cut him off.

"Its Finn"

"Okay Finn, this is very common with head injuries. Can you tell me what you remember?"

"Okay, I went on a date with a nurse last week, I saved her when her house caught on fire, I remember we laid my partner Rick to rest Monday and last night I dinner with my parents and daughter before I went to sleep" I told him

"Okay, do you remember anything about the fire?" He asked me.

"Yes Rick ran inside and I ran after him but I couldn't get to him and then the building collapsed" before he could answer a woman ran in the room and ran to my side crying. What the fuck?

"Oh my god Finn. You're awake honey" and wrapped her arms around me. Honey?

"Um who are you?" I asked her and she pulled away from me.

"Yyou don't remember me?" She said and began to cry. I felt bad and reached up to wipe away her tears, when I did, I was hit with memories of us kissing. As fast as they came, they were gone. What the fuck happened to me.

"Finn, what do you see?" The doctor asked me.

"Us kissing, but I don't know who she is" I said and felt bad when she cried harder.

"Finn, I'm your wife" she told me.

"My what? I'm not married" I said and looked at my right hand. That's impossible, I can't be married.

"Where's my daughter, I need to see her" I told them and the woman nodded her head.

"I'll go get her" she said and left the room. I looked over at the doctor.

"This is a joke right? Just the other day I was going on a date and now I'm married?"

"Well it looks like you lost all your memories within the last year. They will eventually come back but sometimes they don't." He told me. As soon as I saw Alexa walk into the door she screamed and ran to me.

"Daddy!!!!!" She said and cried "I..I missed you daddy"

"I missed you baby" I was so confused. When the woman came into the room she was still crying.

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