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Finn's POV

"Martinez" I yelled and hear him groan. Running over to him "are you okay?" I asked when I reached him.

"yeah, I'm fine" he said and I helped pull him up.

"we need to get out of here" I said

"there's an opening right there, I'll crawl out, you hand me the survivors and I'll pull them out" Martinez said and I nodded. when he crawled through the opening I carried them over to him, when they were both out, I crawled through after.

"we need to get out of here before that floor falls completely and I don't know about you but I don't want to die man" I said and he agreed. I picked up the man and when he had the woman. I walked over to the window and smashed it. I flagged the Emts down and they ran over to us. handing the man over to them they put oxygen on him and wheeled him aways. Next I handed over the woman, Martinez was the first to jump out of the window and I followed him. when we were safely away from the building, it collapsed completely.

"good job Martinez, you did a great job in there. Proud to have you as my partner" I said, after shaking his hand, the Emt's looked us over.

"Finn, you had me so worried man" Luke said running over to me.

"shit, you were worried? I didn't think we would make it out" I said and smiled at him.

"I had a search and rescue team ready, I wasn't about to let you die" he said

"I know, I need to call Alexa" I said and got up, grabbing my phone from the truck I called home.

"Finn. I just watched the news, please tell me you're okay" my mom amswered right away.

"I'm okay mom, please tell me she didn't watch the news?"

"no honey, as soon as we heard there were two firefighters inside when the building collapsed, your dad took her upstairs" she said and started to cry.

"how did you know it was me?" I asked.

"you always go in to rescue, you never stay on the sidelines, you've always had to be the first one in and last one out" she said and it was true my motto was first one in and last one out.

"I need to talk to my baby, she needs to know I'm okay"

"okay honey, I'll take the phone up to her"

"daddy!!" Alexa said and I heard her cry.

"hi baby, don't cry. I'm okay babygirl" I said and choked up as she cried harder.

"come home daddy, please!!" she begged me.

"I can't babygirl, daddy is working"

"I miss you daddy, I love you"

"I miss you too love bug. I love you so much" I said and let a tear slip down my face. I hated when she cried.


"yes baby?"

"did you save people?" she asked

"yes baby, I did" I told her and smiled.

"when will you be home daddy?"

"I'll be home Saturday morning love bug"

"okay daddy, be safe" she said

"always babygirl, can I talk to grandma?"

"yes, I love you daddy"

"I love you more" I said and heard her give the phone to my mom

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