The morning after.

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Woke up with one of the biggest hungovers ever. I even thought to call and say I'm out for today, but after the shower and a glass of cold juice I felt a bit better.
I wore my jeans, shirt and a jacket and went off to work.
When I entered I had a call from the boss. Why the hell he wants to see me? He invited me deeply to his office. Sat me down and asked without hestitation 'Did you work with the police team yesterday?' I said ' Yes sir, I did.When I finished I wrote a final report on the job and sent it to the central lab'
'Neutro labs is a private company, boy, and the reports my workers write are to be sent TO ME. I can send them forward but I want to see them first. There were no terms of privacy on them, so it should be done that way. '
I was stunned.'I'm sorry sir, I didn't know that's the procedure.I always send you my reports, this one was different because it concerned police matter. I'll get them back if you want'. 'I've already got them back. Read and sent. That's the protocol I'm talking about' he raised his voice.
''I understand. It won't happen again,sir.' He stood up.'Im sure it will be the last time'.
I left thinking what a prick he was. Came back to lockers and began to change my clothes. 'Did he waste you too much ?' Allie said from behind the corner.' Can you leave me when I'm almost naked and let me finish this alone? ' I freaked. 'Sure thing. Let me know when you have time.'
I came to her room in half an hour. 'Hey. What did you want? Sorry I'm having a bad day' I said
'I've heard he summoned you...Well he can be really nasty when you're talking to him'
'Really??? No shit... He showed me clearly where my place is. ' I added sarcastically. ' she smiled
' Yeah so I've heard ;) about a report?' 'how do you know that?'
I was curious. 'I was visiting him today when he got it back. Had to wait until he finised reading it. then he asked me who the guy actually is ' she smiled
'I don't understand what you mean'
'He was impressed by the report. It was clearly visible that he was. However he was furious at the same time about you sending it away without his permission. He likes to check them before they are sent. That's because some of our workers write them so poorly that he was ashamed of them couple of times '.
'it doesn't mean he can treat me like that. I'm leaving soon so if there's nothing more I can do for you. ... 'I paused.
'Can you drop me by to my house? I left my car today.'
'No problem. But right now, OK?I'm in a hurry. ' we left to the garage. She sat next to me. We drove for 30 minutes when we reached her house. A nice one- I thought.
'Drop by for a cup of coffee?I make good espresso. ' she offered when we stopped. ' well, coffee would be great but..' I paused.
'But what? I'm your supervisor's girl and your boss' niece?' She said quietly.
'Yeah, kinda.' I whispered.
'I understand. Pity. I'd love to talk about the investigation. I know more details about the boys and have a lot of forensic leads to check. But of course if you can't...' she turned around. Seemed disappointed.
Geeezz.. I wanted to stay so badly.. But I had a meeting with Mark Sommerhalder the head of crime lab. I waved goodbye and started a car.
The meeting was normal. He read my report and wanted some more details. in order to check something we went down to the morgue.
There they were. All four of them. Not supposed to be here at all. I closed my eyes. I"ve heard him saying: beaten, obducted, raped....broken ribs, fractures, bruises....many years of suffering. I began to think of monsters who did that. ' Hey, Im talking to you!' I heard. ' what? Sorry I must ... ' I rushed to the toilet. Was on time not to puke all over the tiles. Got up, washed my mouth and went inside. He was watching me quizically. 'What's up mate? ' 'I can't stand the sight of kiddos so tormented in their short life...
' Like anyone else...' He said.
We said goodbyes and I started my engine.
Stopping by her house I still saw the light. I rang the bell.
'Heya! What are you doing here so late? ' She asked puzzled
' I know it's too late for a coffee but do you have some wine? Or beer or any alcohol? Im coming from the morgue, badly need a drink and some company...' I whispered
'come in' she said ' I've got lotta everything you need'.when the door closed behind me, my last thought was 'Youre making a big mistake, fool'.

A Kind Of Life Part 1 CSI MIAMI  fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat