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I tried to check other Wolfe's works but had no access to all of them. I still had my own login and password, but wasn't sure if it was still active or cancelled ,and for sure I would get caught on it.
I decided to look for the guy in Google. I used my cell not to be tracked on my computer. I saw the photo of him- quite young, rather unpleasant face.
I quickly rushed thru the articles- new member.... Caught the murderer...former officer...
At the very end of all the news I read: replacement after detective Speedle fatal gunshot... The team is finally complete again...
Yeah. I knew it. He's got my job and I'm stuck here.
I need to do something or I will stay here forever. That wasn't right. FBI promised me my job would be always waiting for me in Miami. That I could come back no matter what. They broke this promise and I was so angry...
I wanted to call H. and tell him about how hurt I felt, but that would be stupid. I'm an investigator and a police detective for God's sake.. I'll find out myself. Meanwhile I turned off the computer and cleaned everything up. As Allie wasn't back ( what a big cup of coffee!) I left the keys at the reception desk and left.
I went home and took a shower. I had a quick supper and went straight to hospital. I needed a drink- working all day long almost forgot about it, but now the urge was huge- especially after the info I read.  I got connected by the nurse  and asked her for a sleeping drug. She brought a fluid medicine and I got it straight into the system.  Fell asleep in a minute.

Allie's POV
The afternoon was great. Tim was a nice guy to talk to, funny and charming. W had a cup of coffee and then another.. We ate chinese and I suddenly realized that it's after 8 pm. It was meant to be a short break and I was out for almost 3 hours...
"Can you take me back Tim? I need to finish sth at the lab"
"Sure. Didn't your friend do it?"
"Yeah probably... But I'm responsible for this project so I must check it."
"That's strange. You're so young and he's at my age. And you have to check him?"
"Yeah he's been working here for 2 months "
"Well- correct me if I'm wrong but he seemed quite skillful...I'm not a lab rat but I saw them working, and this guy is the quickest and the most effective of all of them. But if you have to - let's get back. Promise me to go out with me another day- it was a pleasure."
"Sure. Whenever we have some time"
We drove back. Tge first sign that sth's wrong was no light. The lab was empty and cleaned. No one inside.
"Where is he?"
"Maybe he finished working? And went home?"
I checked all the samples. Some were in the fridge, some in the machines and some in the boxes. Prepared for tomorrow.
"Yeah it looks like... "I said
"So we still have time to talk?"
"Erm... I need to go back.. We'll talk another day ok?"
"Can't you just call him?"
"I suppose I can..." I dialled his number. No answer. Again. And no answer.
"He's not answering..."
"Oh come on, he's not a boy...he'll manage !" He smiled
"I know but I need to talk to him"
"Do you have your car or shall I pick you up somewhere?"
"No. Thanks. See you tomorrow."
I stormed out of the lab. The feeling that something was wrong was getting stronger.
I started my car.
Knocked on his door with a really bad feeling. No answer. But also no car.
'Geez, Allie... What have you done? Where can he be? '
I thought about the pub of course, but I wasn't gonna search for him. Then I remembered about the hospital he told me. I rushed there at once.
Entering, I stopped at the reception desk to ask about the rehab unit. Nice nurse showed me the way to the 3rd floor. It was so quiet. I wanted to ask a woman about the doctor, but she's already left. There were doors at both sides of the corridor, and they all had transparent windows. I started looking inside. First two rooms were empty. My heart was beating so fast - I was anxious.
In the third room I saw a woman. She was lying on one side of the bed, she looked so skinny...
I suddenly realized Lee is so  skinny too...
The last door was half open. I peeped inside, and I gave a sigh of relief. There he was. Lying on the bed, connected to pipes. There was a doctor, a woman, next to him. He looked unconscious or sleeping so deeply. She turned around and jumped in surprise "Oh, my!!!"
"I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you" I said
"But you did "she smiled. "How can I help you?"
"I came to see him" I pointed.
"Not now, it's far too late. And you are??"
"I'm his partner. I mean at work. And a girlfriend. I guess...."
"Hmm. That's interesting "-she smiled. "So... I guess you know why he's here?"
"Yeah. I also had addicted brother."
"No. "
"Is he any better?"
"He's dead."
"I'm sorry to hear it. Looks like we can do more for this one. I hope everything goes well."
"Is he ok?I mean -  He never sleeps too well"
"He is, yeah. But he got sleeping drug straight into the system. That's why he looks so... silent."
"How bad is it?"
"If he'll manage to overcome the malnutrition, it's gonna be ok. Theres a big chance."
"Can I stay for a while? Just sit and accompany him."
"10 minutes ok? He needs rest."
She left.
"I sat down next to him. His unruly hair was everywhere, he was sweat and surprisingly cold. His face was tense.
I ran my hand through his dark locks. He didn't even moved
"He's suffering you know?"
I jumped at the words - the woman I previously saw in the room was standing behind me.
"Eeer... Really?" I asked
"Yeah. It hurts so much when you want alco so badly... The drug causes your body to decline it. That hurts, physically. It's nice he has you supporting him."
"Yeah... I guess. And you?"
"No. Nobody". She said sadly." We sometimes talk to each other. You're his colleague right? "
"Yes...." I felt a bit disappointed by the words.
"Tim is a loner. But also a fighter. Hell get over it."
"Tim? Tim who? "
"This Tim" she said pointing at Lee. I realized he gave her a false name not to be connected to the surname Jones. Funny name he's chosen ;)
"Yeah. Ok. I better be going. I hope you' ll find someone supportive. Good luck."
"Thanx" she said. And left.
Tim? Well, well, well. He must have really liked Dt. Sinder....

A Kind Of Life Part 1 CSI MIAMI  fanficWhere stories live. Discover now