upside down

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I woke up with uneasiness... Something was making terrible noise.Fuck it- I thought- whatever and turned over on the couch.
Then my phone started to buzz. Shit.... I saw the ID -Allie.
No. Not now. Not her. It also said '12 missed calls'.
What's wrong with this girl? What does she want?
I cancelled it and got up- at least I tried to. I remember drinking heavily all the evening and watching old seasons of  Californication.
I surely didn't want her to see me like that, and its almost sure she will be here, rather sooner than later .
I went to the bathroom. Tried to shave but failed. Brushed my teeth and washed my hair. Took a short cold shower.
I pulled up my jeans and entered the room again.
There she was. "Fucking shit!' I thought.
"Hi. I tried to reach you as you didn't come to work but no luck." "Whats the matter?"
"What's the matter? You're drunk again. That"s the problem."
"Allie... Please not now. I've got a terrible headache... "
"...And I need you. You wanted to be assigned to the boys' case, didn't you?"
"Yeah... I did".
"So you are. And there's a scientific evidence I need to process quickly, and my uncle asked for you to assist."
"Sorry Allie I'm not in my best condition right now.. "
"So I see. But I won"t let you lose everything because of mistake you made two days ago."
"Mistake? You're joking  right? You think that all of that happened because we had sex?"
"So it looks like. Maybe others are right- you got what u wanted and moved on. "
"Others like...? Thomas the Dick?"
"Yea. HIM. I was looking for you and he probably opened my eyes."
"What are you saying? It's not like that..."
"That's why you had a drink right after that?"
"So why?"
"I needed to process sth in my head"
"Like what?"
"Like why such a smart, pretty and funny lady wanted me to be her first."
"Because you"re smart handsome and funny;) and you've made a promise to me. And it went well but "
"...I failed."
"Will you try again? For yourself?"
"Yeah.For you. Apparently the only person who cares is you. But I need a hospital care, I guess. I won't be able alone as I get sick and throw up, when I'm taking the pills you gave me. and it's unacceptable to lose more weight."
"When will you start?"
"Tonight. I will make the appointment when we come back. "
"Ok. Breakfast?"
"Let's take sth in the town ok? I'm not hungry yet. And Allie..."
"I shouldn't drive."
"You shouldn't work. How much did you..."
"...a whole bottle."
"Shit. Let's get you ready "
She took a button down from my wardrobe and asked me to put it on.
"What are you still doing with me?"
"I don't really know. I'm probably stupid. I care. I really care. You're the first person I really care about after my brother..."
"... Thanx. I'm not sure I'm trustworthy enough."
"Try to be, please. I feel safe with you. And I had an unpleasant conversation- a quarrel rather maybe- with holy Thomas because of you."
"Because of me? I need to make it up to you."
"You can. Can you come with me and help me with that case?"
"Sure thing. I can make you a fine massage too" I blinked
"Not now. It wouldn't end quickly and I have no time..."

A Kind Of Life Part 1 CSI MIAMI  fanficWhere stories live. Discover now