the final countdown

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I came home and watch the telly for a while.Matt fell asleep on the couch.
I decided to ask about the data I've wanted.
"It's me again. What did you find?"
"20 people in a lab including me, Eric and Calleigh. 30 people of staff. Plus night shift- about 15.
Absent from yesterday-11.None of ours. 2 of the day shift. 2 nighters. 7 people of staff. One of them in hospital, one pregnant, one after a car accident. That makes 8."
"Anyone I happen to know?"
"Yeah. Remember Cooper?"
"A/V tech? Tyler's little helper?"  "Yeah."
"Andie from DNA. "
"Blond and tall? Yeah. Eliminate women. "
"That makes 5 of them. Dan Cooper included. The 3 others are new. And..."
"Yeah? "
"Hm... That's not his voice..."
"He could change it."
"Not so much... It's not twisted, rather...metallic."
"Oh.. So I can't help here. Were targetting the phones of all the men at the moment... Horatio? -I've heard Cal's voice at the background.-Oh I'm sorry I didn't hear you're on the phone.I'll come later' "No, no wait...I got to go. I need to know you're safe."
"I don't know. I hope safest could be in this situation. It was nice to hear her, ever only like that" I said.
"You'll have your chance. I'm sure."
"I'm not. Thanks, H."
"Stay safe. And get in touch".
"Oh, I'd love to talk to her..."I thought. Just for a moment- hear her cheerful voice. Drink a cup of tea with her. Work in the field. Even be yelled at. Well, that won't happen, pal.
I turned off the light, made sure the gun is next to the bed, and fell asleep.
Woke up from a very deep- phase dream at 4, or rather was waken up by the phone ringing.
Unknown caller.
"What the fuck... "
"Wakie, wakie!!" The voice said.
"Are you on my doorstep?" I asked wearily
"Not yet baby."
"So fuck off and let me sleep."
"You know what, Speedle? I was sure you would beg me to leave you alone. For your life. I've heard you're a pussy. If you can't ever clean your gun, not mention using it "
I saw Matt standing in my door with the cables and earphones.
I nodded my head.
"Why are calling me, huh? Maybe you're the pussy, hm? I'm waiting here, as you said. Why don't you just come and show me how wonderful you are?" I noticed he's more talkative when he's angry.
'Don't piss him off too much' I saw Matt saying . Nodded again.
"Oh, I'm gonna do it, don't you worry. You all think you're better, because you're CSIs, so you ARE SMART AND INTELLIGENT!!!
Well, ACTUALLY NOT ALL OF YOU !!! " His voice was raised, almost hysterical.
'Don't push it' said Matt.
"Well. Maybe you're right. But we are smart. We don't threaten people and enjoy this, or wake others in the middle of the night to storytell. We're doing our job, and even if someone like you succeeds, we carry on. Someone tried me once, but I'm still here, loser." Matt raised his eyebrows
"Yeah - loser." I continued " You must be one, because only a person like this walks into such a shit, and calls the vic instead of KILLING IT!!! Do you WANT ME TO DIE OF TIREDNESS????" I was furious. 'Calm down' Matt wrote down quickly.
Only thing I heard was the click of the receiver.
Matt took the headphones out of his ears and got up.
"Looks like you've just shortened those 6 days to minimum Speedle... "
I nodded and went into my bedroom. He's right. It was unnecessary. I don't get angry easily, but he changed my normal, happy life into a nightmare.
I got dressed and we left.
After a normal usual day at work(Allie doesn't talk to me at all) we came home. I checked the car under this time, but found nothing. We agreed that wherever I go, I inform Matt.
I hate being like this. Doing nothing. I decided to go shopping, as my fridge was almost empty and there were two of us now.
While shopping I tried not to look back suspiciously at every single individual. I turned off my phone, too. When I finished, went straight home.
Matt was visibly mad.
"Are you fucking crazy? You're out somewhere for 2 hours and don't take any calls?"
"Sorry. I didn't want him to call me back. "
"Oh, he won't. Even if- it will be the last thing before hitting you."
"Oh yeah? Why do you think so"
"Because you provoked him. That's why. Call Caine. He's our only chance."
I dialled.
"H. What do you have for me?"
"Stetler's back. Cooper is somewhere near the lab you called from - he went to his sister's wedding there.
The remaining ones are clean
How are you doing?"
"Fine. "
Matt suddenly took my phone and said : "this is special agent Matt Andrews, don't believe everything's fine. I'll tell you the way it is."
I looked at him wearily.
"I'm listening."
"We're running out of time. As this is the only secure line we have, I can tell you we are both barely prepared- we've got two  sidearms, no kevlars , no security, nothing. Moreover this fuck calls Speedle every day, sometimes twice, to tell him that he's after him. I've tried locating the caller, but with no luck.
In addition to all this shit Speedle decided to infuriate the guy, which I think will lead to a total disaster, as the guy is pretty unstable and has a personal interest in silencing him.
So if Speedle told you we're fine- we're NOT. We're in deep shit. There is no - let me get it straight- NO CHANCE , that we have 4-5 estimated days. He's gonna do it fast. And I'm not sure, if it also means EASY, SPEEDLE!!!!"
He turned to me really mad.
"So if you care about Speedle,
locate his phone, and get billings. Then find the guy fast. Before he gets Speedle first. He won't be merciful, I'm telling you."
"Agent Andrews, will you stay there?"
"As long as it takes." I hung my head.
"Thank you. Can you please give me Tim for a moment?"
He passed me the cell and stormed out.
"Need anything?"
"No. I want this to be over."
" He seems to be nice -as for a fed."
"Yeah. But I fucked up. That's why he's so angry"
"What can I say now?"
"Nothing, H.  I really hope we'll meet again. However it may not happen, so please do the one thing for me- don't tell anyone if he gets me. For everyone I'm dead. Ok?"
"That's not gonna happen. I promise."
"I'm not a child, and Matt's right.
I escalated the conflict. Trace my phone. Find him. As I won't call you again, I... " Couldnt go on. "I really love you- like a friend and a father. It was great to work with you and I'm really proud of it. "
"Don't say that. Don't."
"I could have never said that the first time. Now's the time. And it was a privilege to work with Cal, Alex, Eric."
"Sp... "
I turned it off.
Sat on the floor. I was devastated.
Matt came in. "Sorry I got mad. It must be hard for you. Go to sleep and see you in the morning. Everything's locked. Be prepared as it may be THE DAY."
He smiled and left. And I started to cry. First time in many years. And I'm not ashamed."

A Kind Of Life Part 1 CSI MIAMI  fanficWhere stories live. Discover now