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We left the house and took a short break for the coffee.
It tasted really good and it was nice to drink it with someone and have a nice conversation. That reminded me of home and people I left behind. I was still waiting for THE ONE CALL from the FBI but it still didn't come... I wanted to call them and just hear their voices so badly.... I missed them all. Most of all I missed Delko of course. We were really good friends, and to be true I was also jealous that someone would replace me as a CSI, and also as Eric's friend. I know it's silly, but he was like a brother to me, and I now see how much we had in common. Calleigh was a bit too cheerful for me- I'm not that kind of person, but I appreciated her cold, mathematical mind and  professional engagement. I'd love to be so devoted to work. I mean I am truly devoted to science and consider myself a proffesional, so I do my job the best I can, but I'm sometimes worn out by the things that happen in the world.
"Hey! Lee !"
"Yeah?" I realized I sailed away a bit.
"Were almost there. Wanna go with me? Or you'll stay?"
"And what do you want me to do?"
"I'd love to have you with me."
"Then I'll go."
We went inside the police building and Allie greeted the tall, Cuban guy- I immediately thought of Eric.
"Hi. I'm Tim Sinder . I'm a homicide detective. And you are?
"I'm Lee. Lee Jones. I work in a lab."
God... It was so hear my own name aloud... I actually didn't like it much and so I preferred using my nickname, but now I missed it. And I couldn't  even use it...
"Tim is gonna show us the evidence to be proceeded. "
I followed them to the lab. There were pieces of clothing and a lot of small samples of things that I couldn't recognize
"Here are the things. It must be checked  first, because we don't know what it is and we ran out of trace experts, cause this case is so can do it in your lab, or here in the crime lab.
What do you prefer? "
Geez... Work in a crime lab again... With all the equipment and skillful people...yes!!!!
"Here" I said
"In our lab" said Allie at the very same time.
Tim looked confused. "Well- you need to talk it over ;)" he smiled.
"Come back to my office when you reach the verdict ", then he left.
"Really? you want to do it here?
"Look at the equipment here, Allie. Crime labs have more possibilities than we do."
"My uncle won't like that.."
"I know, but maybe he will if you ask him" I said.
"I'll try. I see you're really into it. You've worked in one previously, am I guessing right?"
I was silent. "You promised me, Allie."
"I know. But I'd love to know more about you, Lee".
"I've already told you too much".
"Yeah, I remember. I guess you could pick any university?"
"Which one did you choose?"
"One of the best".
"What was your faculty?"
"Allie ...."
She stood there, waiting
"Biology and chemistry."
"Biology AND chemistry?"
"You graduated both?"
"Yeah. Top of my class."
"Thomas would be devastated..." she laughed aloud .
"I'm a 4th level specialist. I guess Thomas isn't that far. And he's also a bit over 40".
"Ok. Let it be. I want to see you working next to me in this big crime lab"
"Thanx. I really appreciate it"
She called and soon we headed to Tim's office and Allie said that we agreed to stay here.
"You'll get a pass for part time visitors. How much time do you need?"
"A week" I said. Allie looked puzzled but understood that I had a kind of plan.
"Ok. Contact me if you'll find something interesting..."
"Sure thing."
"Here's Tom. He'll show you around."
Tom was a shy, tall guy, probably a lab worker. When I asked him for chemicals needed for the experiments, he looked a bit amazed. So was Allie.
"Here's your visitor's database. Use this card to log on. If anything needed, call me on 1023."
"Thanks Tom. We will".
He left and I suddenly felt like home. I wore a uniform and started working on the samples.
Allie was watching me closely, not saying a word. She followed me and after 2 hours of work we had half of the samples ready to be processed and microscoped.
I moved around the lab easily, putting in or taking out samples, checking and mixing.
"How do you know all the machines? Hmm?"
"A lab worker knows them  Allie."
"I'm a lab worker and there are some I've never seen before".
"Well. I guess they're strictly crime lab machines. I guess "
I said quickly
"You...guess? No, Lee, you know. You've worked in one, am I right?
I said nothing again.
She didnt ask more.
We were working late in silence. I noticed she was disappointed with my lack of answer, but tried not to think about it too much.
Tim came around 7pm.
"How are you two doing? Well well, well, you're fast! Anything came up?"
"Not yet. We prepared the samples for processing but it will take time."
"Maybe you'd like a coffee or snack?"
"No, thanx, but no." I answered
"I would, thank you"- she replied.
(Well... what a surprise)
"So if you don't mind ,Lee, and can handle without her for a while, I"ll feed her"_ he laughed out.
I really liked this guy- he reminded me of Frank, but with a better sense of humour. However I was a bit nervous- she felt so natural with him...
"Sure. I'll finish the samples. Have fun."
They left and I sat down. I miss my music here. I miss the sun and I miss the people. I feel jealous of this Tim guy- very attractive and visibly interested in Allie.
Oh whatever.
I turned on the computer and found the database for biological samples. It began to search and showed the results found in other crime labs across the the USA. Miami too.
I was tempted to click it, but I knew I shouldn't. However I thought - who would care about a lab worker from here? there in Miami? - I clicked the link.
I saw the analysis signed "Ryan Wolfe, level 1 CSI Miami Dade Crime Laboratory".
Who the fuck is Ryan Wolfe?

A Kind Of Life Part 1 CSI MIAMI  fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant