day 5

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It was early....very early.I woke up with a feeling someone's at the house.Fully awaken I took out my gun and quietly went downstairs.  I saw someone bending at the front door. I was moving quietly and I stood right behind the person in black. "Don't move..." I said quietly with my gun pointed.
"Geeez, Lee, it's me" I've heard her voice.
"Babe you want to be dead or sth?"
"I thought you will be happy to see me "
"But I didn't expect you .... You said that you have a date so ..."
" you've thought I'll jump into his bed right? "
I saw something was wrong I just didn't know what it was.
"He wanted to stay at my house.. Forced me to open my house for him, dragged me to the bedroom..."she turned round and I immediately saw what was wrong. She was high. Her pupils were big as lakes. "Geeez Allie, what did he give you?"
" I don't  know. I feel dizzy."
"Sit down". She started crying. "Hey hey... Stop. It's good you came here. Let me take care of you. Did he give you a pill or sth?"
" No I guess not."
"Did you drink or eat something made by him? " "No "
"That's strange. Are you allergic to anything? "
"Yeah. I can't eat seafood. But I didn't... " She put her hand to her mouth to stop the flow but at this point it was unstoppable. She threw up with a force and everything around was dirty.
"I'm sorry i'm sorry..."
" No problem, babe. It's ok. Are  you feeling better now?  Lets get you to the  bathroom."
She started crying -I took the clothes of her leaving the underwear to make her feel comfortable. Sat her down under the shower and started washing her hair. The smell was awful.
I felt sorry for her as she was still crying. But actually it was better that way.
"Allie it's important. Why did Thomas give you this? "
"Thomas? No... It wasn't him."
"But you said you were on a date"
"Yeah but had a fight and he left me there. I went to a pub to have a drink and met the guy there."
Oh.... That was understandable- I didnt like him but I couldn't imagine being a lab boss and give a girl some drugs to drag her to bed. He didn't have to do it I suppose- there was a constant queue of willing girls.
I took her out of the showers and gave her my t-shirt and boxers. The last ones I bought were almost fitting her waist- I realized I'm really skinny.
She wore them, I tried not to help but she was very weak. Even now, when she was so wasted and tired she looked great. Seemed not to be ashamed. Took off her bra and put the T-shirt on.
I took her hand and pulled her close. She was shivering.
"Can I stay here?"
"Sure, babe. I can sleep on the sofa".
"No. Please stay with me. I'm such an idiot..."
I put her to bed and decided to take a shower myself
When I came to my bedroom she was asleep. I saw her sleeping  before, but this was the first time she was actually tired. She always seems to be a cheerful person , but today she was so depressed. And all that crying...I know its the body reaction for drugs, but I hate crying women. My mother used to cry a lot- when I was small, I often heard her crying and arguing my father. She was unhappy and all the sadness reflected in me. When I was older, we didn't have contact because she was working,  and didn't have time for me, I was kind of obstacle- what to do with me, where to leave me...then I met my friend  David and his family kinda adopted me emotionally. And my mother got pregnant and gave birth to my brother Harry. And then I was only a member of the house... She cried when I was coming back late, when I drank beer with my mates, when she had to stay up late because of me... An she didn't even love me. That's why I don't generally feel comfortably with tears.
I lay down next to Allie carefully not to wake her. She moved and put her hand on my neck. "Hold me please. Tight."she whispered
" I need you so much. "
She kissed me slowly. 
So I did. It was fantastic. It felt great to hold her close. I wanted her so much at that moment, but I knew very well that tomorrow she would regret it, so I said "sleep, baby, let's just sleep."

A Kind Of Life Part 1 CSI MIAMI  fanficWhere stories live. Discover now