and now what?

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I left O 'Neill's office and went straight outside. I knew he will be there, as he was so pale after the conversation. There he was -standing behind the corner with two smoking lab techs.
"Hey Lee! I'm looking for you!" I shouted. He turned around and I saw him smoking a cigarette. He handed it to one of the guys saying 'thanks mate' ,and approached me quickly.
"You smoke too?" I said.
"No. Just occasionally. Sorry. I had to calm down a bit."
We went inside and sat behind the table. It was full of samples so we started working quickly.
"Why did you leave so fast? "
"I couldn't breathe there.  I was sick."
"Why? Because of the talk?"
"Yeah. "
"Why? It wasn't so bad. "
"It was. I'm telling you. "
"What was so bad? "
"He asked me these questions - are you new? Are you a good tech? And so on. I had to control my voice and use as many SIRS as possible. I NEVER did that."
"He was your boss- how did you address him?"
"H. "
"H? "
"Yeah. His name is Horatio which was too long for me, so I called him H. Instead he shortened my surname and created a nick that stuck to me."
"I guess you're not gonna tell me..."
"No. Sorry. "
" seemed very emotional. Were you close? "
"Yeah. I considered him my friend, more like a father figure."
"Oh. That close.... "
"Yeah. And I'm sure he recognized me. "
"It's not possible. "
"It is. There are two ways. He didn't recognize me and that shuts the case, which is I think improbable. Or he recognized the voice as familiar, but as he thinks I'm dead so he passed over it. Or he will be here in 3 days time."
"I think you exagerrate a bit. Let's get to work as I have a meeting in the evening"
"Is it a date?With Sinder?" he asked
"No just the girls' coffee and snack. Maybe we could watch a movie afterwards? Or you prefer to be alone?"
"Not really. I can't go to hospital today, as I need two days break. So yeah sure. I can pick you up if you want. "
"That would be great."
We processed 5 more samples and there were another  3 in the machine. I left him to finish these and promised I'll call.
The party was nice but I couldn't focus on the chat. I ate a little and drank some wine. Then I told the girls I still have some work left and called Lee.
When after 10 minutes he came and parked outside the cafe, all my friends had a look by the window.
"Geez Allie, where did you take him from? A bit old but I'd. surely take him..." Molly and Anna laughed. "I bet he's good , isn't he? Thomas was better dressed -but a dick, and this one is hot as hell. He needs a shave though. Where did you meet him?"
"Er...Stop it. He's my colleague.
And only that. And the thing with Thomas is over" I murmured.
"I need to go." I took my jacket and bag, and went straight to the door.
"Hey love, if you get bored with this one, send me his number" said Sheila.
"Sure... He's too smart for you. Thanks girls. "
I closed the door and went outside. He got out of the car and opened the door for me. My cheeks were bright red ,as I knew all the girls were watching me.
"Thanks. If you need any extra girfriend,I'll give you my friends' numbers."
"Oh yeah? So you don't want me anymore?" He grinned.
"You sound almost cheerful... Feeling better?"
"Yeah. Lot of work always did me good. So...your place ?" I nodded.
We entered my home and I went to take a shower. He was making some coffee when I finished. "Why don't you take a shower?" I said
"May I ? I'm truly worn of. "
"Why not? It's just a shower. "
He left for the bathroom. The coffee was ready. I poured some to the mug, and opened the bathroom door only to find him covering his body in a towel.
"Sorry ! Sorry! I didn't want to.."
"No problem, Allie. It's OK. I'm wearing a towel remember?
And you've already seen me naked" he laughed.
"Yeah.. Sorry. Your coffee" I handed him the mug.
He turned around and I saw the scar on his back. Big one. I couldn't stop looking, so when he faced me I was still staring .
"Bad, isn't it?"
"Yeah... I mean ..big. "
"Yes I know. You haven't seen it from the back?"
"No. And at the front your chest is hairy, so it"s not so visible. Was it through -and -through?"
"Yeah. A narrow escape. Too close to the heart"
" No. Looks badly, but doesn't hurt anymore."
He took the mug and we left.
It was nice to watch a movie in silence with somebody. He didn't talk much. He hugged me and we lay on the sofa. I fell asleep in a moment I guess, but I remember him covering me.
I woke up in the middle of the night feeling him touching my back. He kissed me behind my ear.
"Hey babe. Are you sleeping?" he whispered.
"Almost... Come here" I said sleepily. I kissed him and he responded. I ran my hand into his wavy hair, so soft- I liked it very much His face was a little scruffy though.
"Don't you ever shave?"
"I do. But rarely. Actually it's pointless. I'll shave for you one day " He smiled. Are you sure you're ok now? "
"Yes. It's been few days since...It's ok. "
I wanted him. Really. Wanted very much. He looked so desperate. This whole telephone thing shook him pretty well.
"Is there a girl waiting for you?"  I asked " or a wife maybe?"
"No. Not really "he said sadly.
"Why? "
"I"m not a ladies' man. My best friend always was. I was only hooked up because of him. "
"Oh come on..." I chuckled" you're far too modest I think"
"No. I had few relationships, but nothing serious- and always ended as soon as the work became more important. You know- when I'm working I don't think of anything or anyone else."
"Hmmm.... That's not too good."
"I don't need relationships, Allie. Im devoted to science"he blinked
"Well- stop talking then and start acting."
This 'devoted to science' guy made me feel very special  that night. He was so gentle with me. Guided me through until I reached the very top. Then he cuddled me until I came back to earth. I felt so relaxed and the last thing I  remember was him looking at me with these amazing eyes.
I guess Thomas wouldn't treat me like that, rather thinking about himself in the first place...
Last thought that struck me before I fell asleep that night was 'how can a single person look so unhappy?' I decided to talk to him tomorrow about it.

A Kind Of Life Part 1 CSI MIAMI  fanficWhere stories live. Discover now