day 7

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I needed a drink. But nothing at home of course. I left her sleeping and went to the nearest grocer's. Bought a bottle of beer and sat down in front of the shop. Who would have thought... I took a sip. felt so good..
Then I felt ashamed. Ashamed I had to drink to forget about the fact, than a great girl chose me to be her first.
I turned back and went home.
She was sleeping so peacefully.
Made some coffee and brought her a mug.
"Hey love. Here's some coffee for you."
"Lee? It's you?"
" Whoever else?" I asked
"Thanks"she said- she was so quiet I noticed at once.
"What's wrong babe?"
"Nothing... "She hung her head
"Are you hurt? I think you are now. I'm so sorry for being "I couldnt find a word.
"Harsh?" She whispered
"Yeah. Harsh. If I had known, I wou...."
"You said that before. I know i did wrong, but I wanted... I wanted..." Suddenly she burst with with tears. I took the mug quickly out of her hands and said "hush,love. It's my fault.I didn't assume it can be like that, so I treated you like any other. I didn't deserve the gift you gave me."
"But you didn't want it or it seems."
"Let me tell you something. Every man dreams of meeting the woman, who's never been touched by any other man. You're a precious gift, babe. I'm sorry I didn't see it. Let me show you I care, hmm? I'm not a man of big words. But let me do it properly this time."
" You mean?"
"Let's eat dinner out. I'll make it right."
"Like a real date?"
"Yeah. Like a real date."
"With flowers and candles?"
"Too many disney movies ,baby ;) I chuckled
She smiled.
"And now get up. You work today and I need to finish my gardening. "
"Hey... Have you been out? "
"Yeah. Just for the newspaper."
"Where it it then?" She looked closely
"I forgot".
"Don't lie to me Lee"- she warned me- "have you been drinking anything?"
"Just the sip of beer. I threw it away."
" shouldn't have been..."
"I know. I'm sorry. "
"Hope it won't mess it all...."
She took her top and jeans and went to the bathroom. I sat at the stairs and thought that it can be a reason to enjoy life here for a moment- of course until I'm back home.
I poured some coffee and went outside to the patio.
She joined me 15 minutes later. Completely dressed and ready to go. "I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"I really behaved  like a disney princess. Can I ask you a personal question? "
"When did you..."
"When I was 19. "
"With someone you loved?"
"With someone who used me. "
"How was it?"
"Fast "I smiled.
She smiled back- "was it good?"
"It's mostly good for a guy. But yeah she was good and very experienced. She bet I will be hers and she finally  got me."
"Was she pretty?"
"Yeah. In general opinion. "
"And in yours?"
"Not really. Kind of a barbie with no brains inside. Big boobs, nice ass and thats all."
"So why did you...? "
"You really wanna know? "
"I was tired of the girls around. They followed me. I guess I was a kind of freak they wanted to get. So I chose the one that was the closest. And I was also a bit tired of ... "I stopped, realizing that  I shouldn't say it to a woman but rather to another guy.
"I know what you mean"- she understood well what was to be said. And She smiled widely.
"Where did that happen?"
"Oh geez Allie.."- I murmured- "you really wanna know?"
"Yeah. I do."
"On a concert. She was so desperate she went there with me. "
"What was it? The band?"
"I don't remember. Just some rock band. She was standing next to me, hugging me , touching ,I couldn't even focus on the music. Then I realized that all the guys around were watching her. So Lee- I thought - let her win. :)
I was also after mary jane evening so it came easier"
"You were smokin pot???"
"Everyone wAs... Come on."
She laughed out. "And then?"
"I took her around the corner and gave her what she asked for.
A quick fuck. "
"Hmm" she said "you were different from now, weren't you?"

"Not really- I said -I mean I looked different, but inside I was the same. It's not me who's different. The situation was different. Are you are so different from her. And I'm older and I hope- wiser."
"Was it good? For her?"
"I guess so. She was VERY loud. So we had company after ten minutes. And that's it. The whole story."
"Oh... Did she win?"
"Yeah. In her Ω fucking sorority... And I was free at last. I always wondered what she chose me".
"Have you got a picture of youself at that times?"
"Not really... Why?"
"How did you look?"
"Younger" I smiled "had only longer hair."
"How long?"
"It was freshly cut so down my shoulders."
"Really? I can't imagine that..."
"Me either to be true. I almost forgot about that. I had them because I wanted to make my parents mad- father thought real men wear short hair. And it was driving him crazy that I was winning the science competitions and contests using HIS surname and wearing this hair. ;)"
"You were cocky weren't you?"
"Completely blunt ;)"
"How many did you win?"
"Science marathons?"
"4 years in a row. "
"Really? So you got a free university pass?"
"Yep."I nodded proudly.
Then I realized I said too much...

A Kind Of Life Part 1 CSI MIAMI  fanficWhere stories live. Discover now