FREE at last.

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I couldn't sleep. I finally took a pill at 2 am to catch up with some sleep until the alarm clock rings at 6.
I woke up with a headache  I don't remember having for a very long time. The phone rang while I was drinking coffee.
"Speed? "
"H. So you tracked me down".
"Yeah. I've got important message. Cooper is the guy you're looking for. "
"How do you know?"
"He was supposed to be on his sister's wedding in your area, thats why we didn't suspect him. The problem is, that we found out, that the wedding is in Maine and he's not on it. In addition he took some equipment from Tyler's lab: microphones and some audio stuff. Now it's also lab's case. So we have to step in."
I saw Matt coming so I said
"Wait H. I'll put you on loudspeaker for Matt to hear you."
"Sure. Hello, agent Andrews.
I'm sending a team, prompted by Tyler from the labs, following his footsteps."
"How many will you send?"
"3 detectives and...
Eric and Ryan."
"You're kidding. Delko? Really? And this ...Wolfe?"
"That's my best team. I can't send Calleigh right now. So 5."
"And what if he... Sees me?"
"He is prompted not to come near the witness. They're on the way. you should stay at home
"I am staying. I feel bad , think it's flu. I've got fever. "
"Good. We'll keep in touch." He hung up. I took another Advil and lied down.

Meanwile in Miami.
"So let me get it straight, H.
You want us to track down one of our own. I know he stole some equipment and so, but there must be some explanation. Maybe he needed it for a wedding?"
"The wedding is in Maine, Eric. And it's next weekend. "
"Hm...why do we go? Not a SWAT ? "Asked Ryan
"It's our shit. And we need to do it. He keeps a grudge against the witness and against the lab. It will strike all of us."
"Still don't understand."
"You two is the best I have at hand now. I'd go myself , but I must keep out of this- that's the condition. The witness that Cooper is after is left with one agent, no kevlars, just the sidearms. It's gonna be quick as it escalated last night."
"Can't the Feds protect him? "
"He's on his own. Protected by one man. Has been  threatened for a week."
"What do we do then" asked Ryan
"We go there, find Cooper and don't let him go anywhere  near the witness. If he'll force us, get him down with no hestitation. He was probably trying to kill him previously."
Eric shook his head. "One of our own?"
"HE'S NOT ONE OF OUR OWN! Hes a MURDERER and must be treated like one. DO YOU UNDERSTAND, DELKO? " Wolfe raised an eyebrow. It was the first time det. Caine adressed Eric by his surname.
"Yes, sir. "Said Delko. "Straight away."
Horatio knew that he got more  angry than Eric deserved, but what was he going to do without their support?
He dialed.
"Where's he? "
"Asleep. There's something wrong with him."
"Tell me"
"He doesn't eat or drink. Has a huge headache and a fever. "
"He does that when stressed. Can't you get the doctor?"
"He told me not to."
"I usterstand. He's stubborn. I know. "
"What now?"
"I'm sending an armed team. 3 detectives, two CSIs. I told them not to go close the witness. That's in case of..."
"... Speedle's death."
"Yeah. They will track Cooper and Stop him. Every way it takes."
"Who knows?"
" Only me. "
"No. Who knows Speedle? Personally."
"None of the detectives or Wolfe. Only Delko. "
"The Cuban guy?"
"Ok. Let's stay in touch."
"Try not to wake him, until the pain stops. But get him ready within an hour."
"Fine. "
-------''In an hour.----
"Speedle! Wake up. Hey!"
"Whats up?"
"How's your headache?"
"I'm out of pills.  Where's my gun?"
"Here. Get ready. Stay inside. I need to keep out of sight. It's Cooper if you know him. There's a chase after him. but he'll come, be sure. "
"And I'll be waiting."
Two hours later I decided to leave for Advil or sth stronger. Matt agreed and I got into the car. I entered the drugstore, bought the pills and left.
I got into the car and took two. When I was driving thru the city, I saw a car speeding right in my direction.There was no way to run away. The last thing I remember was the hit and a loud bang. Then nothing.
When I woke up I couldn't see anything. Something sticky was all over my head. Blood. I couldn't move. My head was one huge pain. And I had a pain in my leg. "
I heard someone moving in the dark corner of the room.
"So it's finally happening... I've waited patiently"
"I guess Cooper."
"How d'you know its me?"
"H. He knows. They all know." Don't you think you owe me an explanation before you finally succeed?"
"I owe you nothing. Nothing.
You treated me no better than any other. All because you think  you're better than me. All of you".
"So why me?"
"First -cause Caine and the others must understand that they're not elite. Second- because I hate unfinished cases- that's what I learned in the lab. Third and probably the most important- I need money, which I'll get for killing you. And you really pissed me off on the phone. "
"So... That's the way I'm finally gonna die?"
"Yeah. Slight chance someone finds us here. "
"Yeah. Maybe we could talk about it, huh? I'm gonna bleed out here until..."
"No. But we'll wait a little longer."
"For what"
"For your FBI BUDDY,asshole."
I closed my eyes and heard him talking to me, but I couldn't understand anything. Just the noise and hot blood covering my face. I lost control over my body.
"Here I am, buddy" I heard the voice. "Looking for me?"
"Uh-huh , why don't you sit down?"
" I'm gonna make you stop this fucking ride of yours. I have nothing to loose. "
"But he has" I felt a kick." Geez...that hurts like hell.
"Let him go and let's finish it. You know you won't escape."
"Not until I have my gun pointed at him. Why do you all like him so much? He's an awgul, blunt, moody and most fucking sarcastic person I know".
"He cares Cooper. About others. You don't. Now put your gun down."
"Kidding, man? You're funny."
"Drop it! MDPD! " I suddenly  heard a gunshot but didn't know who shot first, because I heard another one, and onother, and another. Someone fell next to me.I'd swear this was Matt, I felt his cologne. 'No..."I thought and really wanted it to end at last.
Then I heard a voice." I've got three men down! One probably dead. Gunshots. HURRY UP!!!"
Then I felt someone kneeling somewhere close to me.
"This one's dead. Nothing we can do. This one's wounded -that's the Fed I guess. Hurry up!!! And there's another man in the corner!Our witness, I guess."
I felt the whirl of air. Someone bent over me and moved my head side to side. Wanted him to stop.
"Hey come here!!Look at him!!"
I wanted so hard to open my eyes and let him know I'm alive...
I managed to barely open one and saw someone standing over was Delko. Shocked as hell.
"Jesus Christ, Wolfe, call for help!!!!" He bent down over me and wiped the blood gently.
"Speedle... It's Speedle...  Speed stay with me, mate! Please, not again, no..."
I've heard the sirens in the distance. Then nothing.
The end.

NEXT one you can find in A NEW LIFE story. Thanks for comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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