One of those dates

130 43 13

4years later.....
My phone kept ringing as if it's gonna explode. I was not expecting any call in the evening though. When I picked it up in a second I reongnised who the hell it might be. It was Elias & he wants me to go to " Hotel 71" with 7000/-tk. I don't understand what made him thought that I can arrange it just like that. Then something pooped into my mind...
I've reached there at 7:30 pm & what I saw was beyond any of my expectations. He was sitting in the table 17 . Somebody showered him with all the noodles and may be chili soup. & he's still holding a glass of coke in another hand & seem delighted to my arrival.
" You made it. Please sit down"
"What .. Justtt happened?"
He  then half opened his mouth. Gave a slight smile and said " I was dating this Russian girl. "

Now it's very obvious for him to date. The score is 22 in 2 years. He found his this amazing talent when he was 14.Though I still didn't know how his talent reached into Russian citizen .

I asked ,

"And ?"

"She was chewing my brain with all those stupid gramartical  mistakes & weird words. & then well I didn't mean to .But she brought up the political stuffs and Umh.."

"Say it."

" I've said Russains are true badass & stuffs.After having this stimulating conversation, she decided to shower me with hot chili soup & spaghetti"
I slowly placed my hand towards his side & very carefully tried to pull his plate his side to mine. But in the middle he caught it & said ,
" First let me know if you had made the little arrangement "
"Not really!!"
Quickly I took the spoon & start eating the spaghetti instant.
" What are you doing??" He exhaled a calm breath.
" I'm eating. .."
With this expression he understood that there's nothing could be done right now. So he joined with me with another spoon.Inserted a large amount of spaghetti ball in his mouth & kept saying,

"You know this guys aren't be easy on us "

" I've a plan."


" We're gonna run. Like right now. "

" A Russian girl just made me famous a minutes ago. Don't forget that. "

" Well, that makes things more easier . You know the best thing about this hotel , there's another exit just side the washroom. I'll be leaving now. & meet me a minutes after. If you know what I mean"

" Done.I'll take the stairs then.But I have a question .Are these people seriously this stupid enough to let their customers go without paying the bills "

" No. There's no other stupid human like you who brings their Russian girlfriend in such an expensive hotel and forgets their wallet in the house "

" Excuse me. I didn't forget anything. She said she was an independent, strong woman & stuffs. So I had to see how independent she really is.  "

" Wow, idiot. Wow. These spaghetti in your head was meant to be sooner or later. "

"Hahaha "

" How did you find her anyway? "
" Facebook"

" She came for you from Russia ? "

Elias stabbed himself with the spoon and said ,

" My God, your imagination.... She's here for  a vacation with her family. "

           Elias successfully met me at the basement of the building. Try to look for me over his shoulder and then gave a sweet smile.

" I'm gonna walk you home."

I slowly start walking & muttered
" Now I've to deal with your bullshit all the way ."

Elias made his hysterical laugh again .
" We'll take the road by the side of river "

I mumbled ," I've never been there. "

Elias raised his right eyebrow and said ,

" Impossible"
I giggled and said " We are taking the regular one Elias "
" Allow me to assist you with unknown. "
" I don't trust you. '' I've said the most hard words in history as calm as possible.

" It's a shortcut. You lazy swan &..." He waited & said

" You really don't trust me ? Do you ?"

I exhaled the longest breath on earth and said " I just believe in my own insights ,let's take it that way"

Elias didn't seem very convinced with my words.He didn't even look at me. After sometime he spoke with a brittle voice

" We live in the same freaking place since we were , I don't know maybe 8/9. & you still don't trust me? "

He was getting aggressive after  each line. One can easily understand the passive anger & frustration of him just like that. He finally yelled
" What do you think what would I've done with you ? "

I giggled and said, 

" I don't know anything. Last time you locked me in the chemistry lab because I won  in the chase game. Before that I had to cut off all of my hair. Because you genius were experimenting if the cotton candy & chewing gum paste can actually change someone's hair color. Oh & I forgot the most important part , you even destroyed my most precious piece of painting... "

He shouted loud , " Just in case you don't remember.  You cheated on the goddamn chess. Cotton candy mixture was your idea . & for your master piece ...Before that You formated all of my action figure games "

I tried keep my voice as calm as possible .
" I just didn't know what format button did. That was an accident. But you intenionall teared my painting which I had been drawing for six months. "

Elias said , " If yours one was accident. My one was accident too. I accidentally blew it with poster colors and then not actually teared it apart. I threw it outside of the window"

I said , " At least I didn't apply cotton candy mixture.... "

Elias reminded , " Those all happened 3 years ago . what happened today? "

I qouted, " Once an amateur will always remain amateur.No wonder which else revenge you're planning to act on "

" And who discovered the most precious Quote?"

" Some matured one!" -I acted sarcastically proud.

Not even this Time he was convinced  cause all he said was

" I'm a kid. Please make me understand everything. Amateur"

" okay , kiddo. I'll make you understood. Lead me home , don't leave me here at the end of the day in this hollow darkness. I owe you one."

Elias suddenly stopped & muttered " You don't have to worry about that . But this is the last thing I'll ever do for you. "

In the whole time both of us didn't speak a word. When I was about to leave , Elias yelled again,

" The Russian girl failed to hurt me as much as my best friend did today,"

I could have said something nice but all I said was ,

" There's always room for improvement in the house. Use it"

After I finished what I began. I felt like a rock just jumped into my heart and about to come out. I had enough drama today. So I knocked at the door as hard as possible & wishing him to leave. The door didn't  open at least for 5minutes. When I looked back I saw Elias literally sat on the ground . Elias was overreacting to his best & I didn't have the slightest idea why. May be it is a big deal for people for not trusting on. & then finally Maria opened the door, I went in as hurry as possible.

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