Angel of Darkness

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It was very dark outside. The sky overcast with thick clouds.Cold wind gently flowing from the east. We were walking home. I mean Luca and me.

" When It comes to maturity, Elias is ten times mature than you. " 
I smirked, " Thank you. "

He said , " & he's certainly a better friend than you. "

I nodded my head looking at the trees... As they made creppy sounds while overlapping it's branches to each other.

I asked , " What do you truly want to ask Luca ? "

Luca said softly ,

" How much do you believe in alliance thing ? Don't you feel the supreme magical things that happens every day ? Have you never ponder how the plants exactly orbits the sun ? "

I giggled, " Shishh.. You must be too much connected with religious stuffs. It's cute how you explaining this as magic. But at the same time your underestimatingthe powers of Grand Creator. "

Luca grimaced , " Using that cute word is too uncool. If no one said that to you before , please know now.& also the unnecessary f words . You're a girl. & very soon will be a woman. Please act like one. "

I answered, " I never claimed to be your desired woman . So fucking deal with it. "

Luca grimaced , " Real immature. You're out of my taste. I can no longer exaggerate this conversation. "

I said, " Spit it out. "

Luca turned back & muttered, 
" Just not today. "

& then he walked to the other side slowly disappearing in the woods.

I yelled," Hey where do you think , you're going? Your home should be in this way. "

He yelled back , 
" I lied and you believed me so easily. "
& then he disappeared in complete darkness. Which was really spooky.

Luca and I both skipped classes that day after tiffin period.

We sat on the upper staircase of terrace...
Carefully observing not to get caught.Officially we made this our favorite bunking spot. No wonder why none ever tried this out before.

I asked , " So what was the alliance thing you were talking about again ? Are you a believer of God ? Oh wait... I just realized that's a very stupid question ? "

Luca played with the stick which was in his hand, 
" Yes , I'm a believer. It's because I have no choice. "

I asked curiosily , " What.. What do you mean ? "

He clarified , " I'm not sure if you are ready to hear this. You're just like a child, needs to be taken care of. "

I confirmed , " Exclude your lunatic commentary over this , shit nigga .Come on , we are heading for something big "

He hinted, " You are kind of close though. I'm underestimating the nature itself. Trying to create the alliance.June, you do understand that earth and all the other planets can't just keep rotating to each other because of invisible force. There are some complicated things which can't be defined by the limited knowledge of human science. "

I agreed, " There are many."

Luca said passionately,
" So does that make you believe in the Grand Creator ? "

I didn't know where was the conversation going. I had the feeling that Luca was shifting his subject from the actual topic.

So I quickly responded ,
" Yes, I believe. That's why I asked the question at first place. But I asked that just randomly. "

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