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I opened my eyes into  the complete darkness.I could hear the rush of the wind and it was so cold.My forearm was itching so much. & I kept rubbing it too hard. Just when my eyes met to my arm, I saw something shifting to my muscles...

lightning flashed across the sky and lit the whole house ....

It was raining heavily outside..Lightnings & the sound of thunderstorms were overlapping each other At the 11th hour the bell rang but it did not sound  like the ordinary one. The one having gaint pendulum .Every stroke as if returning anticlockwise creating an alliance to every metaphysical facts. & once again I felt my strong intuition of figuring something bad. & there's no way I could relax...

      Out of sheer curiosity I got up from bed.. Took the paper cutter from my study table. Slowly motioned my steps to the downstairs. & in every step the sound of the knocking & thousands of bells sound kept buzzing over my head. I was scared indeed but I needed to know why.. Curiousity always win...
Just always..

    Nervous handedly I had  opened the door a little to peek outside & grip the paper cutter more stronger...
When I looked outside, once again lightening happened. & I could see a person about my size .Covered with long sleeve jacket. It was a boy. Though his eyes were covered with hair. I could easily tell. But I was still puzzeled. As soon as I heard the sound of the thunderstrom, all of my memories came flashback .It took a minute to recognize that the person who was standing right in front of me was Luca...

& I was little relief though out of puzzlement I asked,

" Luca ? What are you doing here ? "

Luca replied in an ironic voice ,

" The spell is lifting. The world is coming down to us."

I tried to remember where did I hear them before. But before I could explain myself anything, I felt a tight grip on my hand.. Luca leaded me to the drawing room with all his strength...

I was so flustered to act .I told him,

" Luca, if you leave right now, I'll appreciate that."

Luca didn't bother to listen. He kept repeating something to himself. I tried to carefully listen to the words. But then He suddenly shouted out loud ,
" Vulnerable. So vulnerable. Vulnerable. So Vulnerable. "

As if he was casting spells. & I was losing my self confidence...
I said in a weak voice, " Please Go .

He cupped my mouth so I can see his eyes. His eyes were burning as flame. He whispered ,

" I know everything June. I know your fears. I know your doubt's. Your demons. Your greatest distraction. Your disaster.I know. YOUR WEAKNESS. VULNERABLE. So VULNERABLE.YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A TEENAGE DIRTBAG. YOU ARE ABANDON. YOU ARE A MISTAKE. A BURDEN. CAMOUFLAGE UNDER the abandoned soul. & my love, I hope you should know that too...your soul wants to be apart from you...."

& then he squzeed my hand so hard that I woke up from sleep. Without being judgemental I slapped the first person who was actually squeezing my hand. & with the sound of the voice it was confirmed to be Elias.

I spoke with a brittle voice ,
" The fuck you're doing here? "

Elias while rubbing his cheek ,
" Exam today.I thought that's a friend should do. I even climbed that impossible tree for you . To have this. "

I smiled a little , " Why didn't you call ? "

He carefully took my phone & showed 32 missed calls .

He ordered, " Now get ready, we don't have all day. " 

Then he leaded down the staircase. I got myself ready in 5 minutes..

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