Game Over

48 9 22

" I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, diverting myself now & then finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell or ordinary, whilst the vast ocean of truth lay unexplored before me "
- Issac Newton.   

& so for my soul encircled to sea to explore reasons of existence  .I could see a fracture of white sand, a gash of zephyr-haunted cliffs and a wide slash of bay. It was a watery wonderland and the beach was drenched in a lightning-gold, dawn haze.The neon-blue sky was threaded with silver. The waves were crawling gently to the shore.

As I stepped forward, I saw a little girl with white frok, sitting on the sand. Circling it with her finger tips. I went near curious,

" What are you doing ? "

She whispered, " Painting a Star. "
I noticed she was just making circles over circles

I advised, " This is not how you draw Star.. "

she whispered again, " this is how I draw "

I kind of hesitated with uncertainty , that sound like me.

The sounds of thousands blazing bells  drew my attention.
I felt a little shaky  as the heavy ground dispersing  itself in disguise ..The earth is moving but I can't feel the ground . Then I realised the discoloring moment  far more scarier than I can ever assume... I saw huge length of waves coming towards us. I said scarily, " hey kid, we gotta move. "

" I'm not finish. " ,she murmured 

" We are going ti die if we don't move. " , I creeped out
She stood up & saw the bizarre scene with me. I could no longer move. But oh my God what the hell she was doing. She was running towards the tsunami.. I screamed, shout but that didn't help. & at point I found myself running after her... She disappeared on the water.  & I don't know adrenal rush or what I found myself diving into water as well. My bloodstreams as if connecting with water molecules 

But if it's tsunami then why it's not crashing us with it's mighty power. Wait I can't swim!!!

I throw my arms as hard as I could... & Woke up hearing the  shattering sound of glass...Which broke into many small pieces .....

It's a dream.. My phone buzzed & I took the call, not still ready to deal with the world..

Keita, " We've successfully launched both owl & telebot ", excitement on his voice .

" Congratulations ", I muttered

" All we need is your sign on agreement paper. ", Loud party speaker sounds banging on the other side . I think it's goes for celebration of new inventions ...I've never been a part of this great moment of enthusiasm of anyone's life & neither I have planned for it afterwards. 

I held the papers from the corner which were kept on the right side of my table with great care.. A box of chocolates & black roses ( probably Elias's idea ) right next to it.
I replied, " Yeah, okay. "
there was a buzz on the phone...

" June, hello can you hear me? ", excitement spreading on Elias's voice as well.

" Evil Genius " , I grinned 

" Are you not going to congratulate me on this? Your presence on my home would be appreciated. " , Smooth move Elias 

" Congratulation. But..uh.. I'm kinda busy. " , I waited for the incoming cold war..

Elias exhaled with a little bit of disappointment  as if he knew this is going to happen, " It's fine, I understand. It's all about obsession. "

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