Something wicked

36 29 4

In to the freaking hot summer. We kept walking as robots after having this ironic conversation. I was thinking about his points of views. & I thought he might be thinking whether he said too much or not. That's mostly what introverts do after having stimulating conversation. But honestly I couldn't think straight..

     In the distance, someone with school uniform & blue bicycle standing near the old tree.  But the visions were blurred , so I couldn't assume who it was.. As I started getting closer, I understood it was Elias. Coincidence became my best friends those days..

I uttered, " I thought he was playing football."

Luca didn't seem to care to my commentary. So I decided to keep my thoughts to myself.

Elias started to get uncomfortable as soon as he saw me. He was acting plain weird.. & he seemed quite nervous .

I gave him a suspicious look & said ,

" So somebody already peed on your books ? "

Elias grimaced ,

" I lied and you believed me so easily.I.. was insecure after what happened a week ago. I didn't want to paint a jerk mark on my face. But then again I felt guilty, So here I am waiting.."

He didn't finish the whole sentence though I understood he had a lot more to say..
But I didn't think he could make it , So I changed the topic,

" Is that bicycle punctured again . "

He looked back & forward & said uncertainty, " Yes, yes. "

I said, " Let's walk then . "

Luca broke his silence,
" Something tells me he always pretends his bicycle is punctured when he has something serious to say. "

I looked at Elias to see his reaction over Luca's commentary. But there was no change of facial expression. I wondered " did he just simply agree with Luca ? "

I said to Luca while walking,
" Whatever you explained to me ,Can you do that to Elias ? "

Elias stopped walking & started observing me.
Without paying attention to Luca.

Luca stopped in rage,

" So you're going to do anything to prove it wrong ? "

I said calmly , " I'm not trying to prove it wrong. I think it made sense. "

Luca said ironically,

" You know very well, he's not that kind of guy who will appreciate this. "

I said , " No need to get so ironic. I'm trying to see things from different perspectives. "

Luca explained, " Right now the belief system of material world is better than virtual world. & besides your friend have something important to say. "

I said aggressively ,
" Or you are just to scared your theories will be proven wrong.huh ? "

Elias placed a hand on my shoulder and said softly ,
" June are you okay? "

I answered angrily,

" Of course I am okay. What could possibly be wrong with me ? "

I turned out to Elias & said ,

" & what is the matter with you Elias ? Are you so proud that you simply pretend that Luca doesn't exist. You make him feel uncomfortable.It's not only his fault you know for being so ironic. "

Elias seem more flustered. He reached to my hand and mumbled ,

" I..uhh..I have something to say.   "

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