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Time is merely an illusion... & that's what Einestine says while doulbe daring time..  I'm stuck between everything & nothingness..
Where my very existence is mystery..
This city has ever been useless as I, but never had been this beautiful before..

I tried but I couldn't remember it very well.  I walked along the street under the sheets of gazallion stars,  barely being conscious about the time..
The Darkness which lives in my soul is better than the darkness itself...

& at one point I found the place where it used to be my home. & quite surprisingly it's the same as it was.

I heard " Horizon " had destroied it but it didn't.. Tom Willberg didn't want me to remember anything about the past.

So he lied to me in many different ways. But it was not like I was dying to know the truth. Where I stood then the truth meant nothing for me without some random weird facts.
& I'm still grateful to him..

The house only look more creepier from the outside.  Like a haunted house. & I'm sure rats,bats & cockroaches & also spiders doing just fine to keep the house tidy.
I don't feel like checking... So I started my footsteps on going..    

I reached into the grave yard. I don't know how did I ever forgot to check on Elias's house.

But I just did.I still don't know how it is possible.  I widened my eyes to have a better view of things & even re-adjusted the spectacles in a hope that I might understand the symptoms of ghost.

I went in slowly & carefully... Put out the cellphone & turned on the torch..
First 30 seconds wasn't scary at all until I saw Ninja running at Usian Bolt speed from my view..I stood there shaking.  Tried to remind myself that I'm schizophrenic. I see things which do not exist. But I also remember taking the pills in the morning...

I spoke out loud,   " So what?  I'm a high class schizophrenic.  & I'll see the constellation of stars no matter what.NO MATTER WHAT "

A voice from distance suddenly aroused, 

" That's what I call self motivation. "

I went numb, completely losing my control. I started at the white light reaching towards me...

I mumbled,  '' This is not true.This is not happening..  Hallucination.. 7th stage of hallucination. "

The light suddenly flashed a face & my heart beats went numb as well....
Someone with grey hair,  red spectacles,  blue color shirt.. He was holding the torch right towards face. I got puzzled for a moment.. What that creepy guy doing here?! 
But his instance smile answered my every question...

Tears shimmerd in my eyes & I stammered through I speak,.
" I....I can't be in a, bigger shock than this.  "

Elias's eyes narrowed, " Can't have. "

" Huh? "

He nagged,  " It's okay, silly  mistake.  "

He faced backward & waved his hand,
" Come on.  Follow me. "

I followed him as that was I meant to do in my entire life..As if this is how it's suppose to be.I couldn't apart my smile from my mouth. Cause my heart filled with many bubbly feelings since the second I met him... & it kind of remind reminded more the lyrics of a song, 

"  A call from a Woman who loves you &
Hello from a  Friend.

I know when it rains, I know how to to feel.
I know the difference between what you say & how you feel.,"

Okay, I need to stop reminding this cause it is out of my concern. But still my brain struggled to figure WH questions. Who wrote the song again?!

   At one point Elias stopped out of amusement & said,
" Hey wait!  This is suppose to be the place. "

But this isn't the same place like we had seen it before. Last time the river had very clean water.But now this is full of dirt & mud.. & also many waste materials floating around the water..
Some people took the previlige to cut of all the rows of trees... & also there's human shit everywhere. To me it is very dissapointing....I can bet it is sure is for him. Elias sighed,

" Let's just get out of here. "

         We started walking in a rythme...
     Elias spoke having a lots of loathfulnes in his tone,
" I can't believe you couldn't recognize me. "

He has completely changed his makeover.How can I ever recongnise him.I could put that point but I truly didn't want to make a mess.

I sounded almost too serious when I spoke, 
" When I look into the mirror,  I can no longer recognize my reflection. "

Though there could be no particular reason why I can't recongnize myself. I just said it just like that...I cursed myself for being unwantedly overly dramatic. & Wondered where these are coming from?

l tried to put myself as normal by saying,
" Seriously if I knew it's you I would have thrown the chair right in front your face. "

" You can pull up chairs now. Did science went that far? " ,  Elias teased

" That is a very sick joke. ",  I made a straight face when I said it to make him assure that I meant it

His eyes lit up,
" Okay let's not be sarcastic for once.Let's act like normal humans.Like good old friends  Starting with me,  I missed you. "

My mouth curved into a smile..

He chewed on his bottom lips & said,

" Excuse me..You're suppose to say something nice too.''

I crackled,  " Trust me if I say anything right now,  it will make it worse.  & eventually you'd be more embarrassed. "

Elias 's face turned quizzical, 

" Still not sure what are you trying to say... "

I forced a classical grin, 

" I'm not fully myself without sarcasm.So did I miss you? I barely noticed your existence.  "

He sniffed,  " Did I happen to tell you that there are two kinds of people in the world.Those who admits to stalking & lairs. "

I teased, " Well, you're perfectly set for  stalking. "

" Liar ",  He commented on a low voice so only I can hear it...

I asked him,  " Am I a monster?  "

He sighed,  " Yes.  "

I corrected,  " No. You should say No. So I can come up with meaningful confession for not trying to be in contact after that incident. & also that"

Elias grabbed my arms, 
" Look at me June.Look at to my deep deep ocean eyes. Does this seem relevant to your bullshit confession or Do I look like I care? "

" You don't have deep blue eyes,  bimbo. Your eyes are dark as your soul & your lines are as lame as your personality. & if you put everything together,  it completes the whole you. & there's only word to discribe you.Jerk "

A straight smoothing smile spreaded on his face & after sometimes it reached to mine.Note : I'm still talking about the smile...

       I've no idea how long I've had been walking. Walking was fine. In my head I'm actually answering all his questions for the third time from different perspective. But in reality we didn't bother to speak.  Eternal silence. But the silence is okay. I never thought that silence could be okay. For me over the edges " silence was being vulnerable,  being inadequate & being so many different things. " But here as I walk to my favorite city with the harmonic tune of rustling leaves & be lightly welcomed with the cold wind.Silence is better than okay. Even "okay " have a different meaning for my dictionary.  For me it meant  " I can tolerate this shit little longer. "

I kept talking to him in the silence without delivering a word...

Constellation of Stars 🌌  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now