Midnight call

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Into the middle of the night, I woke up hearing Elias's phone call.

Elias roughly , " Homo sapiens are the most self destructive creatures in the history. "

I yawned, " Bravo. "

He continued, " There are certain people who always put their emotions as tramp cards and becomes official users of human being. "

" Okay. " , I said .

" Ungrateful humans. Everywhere. "

I said , " Will you please elaborate? "

Elias said , " I just helped Mark to steal question paper from the devil's office.He said he would cover up for me.But at the end of the day... "

I objected, " Wait ..what question paper? "

Elias exhaled & said,
" Please don't tell me you don't remember about the mid-term exams . "

I mumbled , " Oh my Goodness. I'm so screwd "

" June ? "

" What I'm going to do with my life? "

" June ? "

" I'll be burned into ashes. "

" Shut up, bitch. I called you for my problems not for hearing yours. "

I inhaled & said , " Please continue. "

Elias said, " So that's it. He didn't cover up for me. I got screwed. As soon as the devil was concerned about my father , he didn't punish me at all. Only postponed the exam for till next week. My dad humiliated me in front of everyone. & now I am quite disappointed. "

I remarked , " Where's the problem here actually? You are safe. "
Elias said, " Reputation stupid. Reputation. Now my dad will think I've been doing this my whole life... Deceiving of a friend. What worst could happen? But then again , he would say things that will seem right & once again I'll  involve myself doing these shits. "

I said, " That's so absurd. You can just not do you know . & why in the world you thought stealing papers was the right thing ? "

Elias stayed silent for a moment and said, " I just didn't want to break the bro code."

I ridiculed , " Bloody hell. "

Elias maintained his silence for a while & I knew it was my time to speak..
& I tried to give my best shot ,

" Friends, family and excetr is a part of your life. Not your entire life . I hope you quite figured it out cause as you can see no one else is trying to manage the perfect bro code or whatever. No matter what ever you do , time will eventually fade everything away. "

I tried again , " My boy life is something very serious. This is not like your video games. This is not your academical field. Where you can put your efforts and eventually you could find a super successful result. "

Elias exhaled a deep breath and said,
" June , I know you're just simply worried. & under horrible circumstances you're hurting my principles. But I just have so much to offer. These things that I do, these aren't my weakness .These are my strengths. & I have that strong feeling that I can do everything.I think I bring a little bit hope in everyone's life. & tell me what's wrong with that? "

I said, " In case of that anyone would use him/her tramp card , I mean feelings. & you'd be lost in the dance of despair all over again "

Elias laughed on the receiver , " Do not underestimate the power of feelings June .."
( here he goes again , I thought )

" It is the same reason I can call you in the middle of the night.It's the same reason you've been always by my side. Under these witty logics , you're influenced by my insights. "

I intoned my voice, " Please remember this is not about me. It's about you & your God damn life. I felt obligatory to inform you some common sense. "

He said, " See you felt. & So did I managing the bro code.You know the best thing about talking with you, it makes feel that I'm always right . "

I said, " Nobody is perfect . We are only humans. & it's our job to take care of ourselves as well as we take care of others.
Roger that. "

Elias said , " Good night, June. "

      " No habitation meets the eye unless in the horizon rim " , Luca said

" That's a lovely quote Luca. & I'm sure you didn't make it by your self. " , I said .

Luca made a dope face and said, " Thanks for insulting me. "

I giggled and said , " I was just doing my job. ''

Luca said, " Did you ever had someone who was close to you dead ? "

I said, " Not really. Why are you asking? "

He said, " Would you like to meet the dead while alive ? "

I chuckled , " What are you saying? "

He made a serious tone in his voice stopping down the path of home ,
" I mean Astral Body Projection. "

I tried to gather my thoughts, " Wait , wait. I think I know about this .. a supposed form of telepathy that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside of the universe . Psychology. "

Luca smiled and said excitedly, " Yes. "

I patted in his arm,
" There's no scientific prove of it, you know.This is fairytale. But it could have been interesting ,Isn't it?"

He smirked and said, " Your science can't even define soul , okay ? . "

I giggled, " It's like meditation? "

Luca replied, " kind of"

As soon as I entered the house, I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it up as forever and always Elias pushed the door enough hard to break my nose.
While rubbing my nose , I asked,

" Who made you incharged for finding Voldemort in real life ? "

" What ? "

" Never mind."

Elias said calmly , " I've important stuffs to tell you. Try not to break my concentration... "

I started laughing awkwardly & said,
" Concentration? "

He sat on the sofa and covered his eyes with his palm quickly ( defensive strategy of not laughing in serious moments )
& said ,

" June , You're sick."

I sat across him and said,
" I know. "

He slowly covered his mouth and said ,
" I mean to say you're ill "

I still don't know what got to me but I couldn't stop laughing...

I chuckled , " What do you mean? "

Elias intoned his voice ,
" I caught you talking to yourself several times. " .
I came back to reality too.
I remarked , " It's just one time I had stupid vision. It's because I didn't eat for two days "

Elias said , " It's not two days .."
I raised my eyebrow, trying to give a serious impression..

Elias muttered, " Hey, don't give me that look. "

" Like this " , I tried to raise my eyebrows little higher.

" Yes " , Elias nodded

" Okay. " , I smiled gently.

Elias gave another shot , " As I was saying it's not about just one day. "

I nodded, " okay, maybe two days. But it's seriously nothing to worry about. "

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