Conquering the Demons

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We are in the 45th floor of apartment building. Horizon is of 75th floors. Though most of the buisness man wouldn't agree to make office on to some apartments. Tom Willberg always had something different in his mind...

& my office is kind of like my home.. This lounge chair is my bed, I've free wifi & I can order evererything I like. Excuse me this is what I call a happy life.

1st test : Keita

" I still wonder if this thing really work? ", I said.

Keita half smiled while sitting on the lounge chair. " That's what we are here to find about, ultimately making me the ginipic "

Elias delivered a practiced smile, " I don't blame her, Even I wonder if it really works. "

Keita waved his hand to call him & said,
" Don't worry pal, it will work. "
Then Keita drag him down by the collar,

" If it doesn't work I'll kill you by myself. "

I smirked, " Later I would like to know how did you two get so close "

Elias waved Keita back & tried to adjust his collar. He said, " Excuse us we're very straight gentlemen. "

We turned the lights off to have horrific impression. Turned on the spot light. & Even Elias wanted to tangale Keita with black scoth tape but I forbided it...Elias connected the owl's wire with the plug & then rubbed over it's head..& it automatically started..Switching it's eyes on..It spreaded a beam of light over Keita 's retina.. The light seem very ordinary though. Then he took the small microphone attached to the owl & started the opera song.....
Whoever sang this song might be goddamned for sure.

He draw the microphone near his mouth & started commanding ,

" Take a deep breath.. Slowly & carefully. You're fully conscious about your existence..............................
.................You are an intregal part of cosmic energy.. Behind your close eyelids there's a miracle that you embrace... .............
Keita now slowly answer my questions. Who are you "

" I'm Keita, ", Keita said smoothly.

" What is your full name? ''

" I don't know. "

" Why you don't know? "

" They never told me. "

" who didn't let you know? & why didn't you care? "

" The owner of Orphanage Mr.Hudson.I desparetly wanted to know my identity but all I knew that I had a sister with the same cursing. "

" How's she? Is she okay? "

" She died. " Keita said aggressively.

" Inhale a deep breath & allow yourself to be calm & tranquil. Tell me Keita.Tell me from the very beginning how she became a part of your life? "

" She was always a part of my life. She was my only family on orphanage. We used to be ordinary happy siblings. I was in the orphanage when I was eight & then she was two.. We grew up together playing hide & seek, cop & robber. & then at the age of 9 she suddenly had fever.I was 15 then. We all thought this is just a normal fever.. But no one knew about the curse until she died..Mr.Hudson was a very humble man, so he took her to the hospital. & when the doctors found out it was too late.. Our parents didn't want us that was very clear.So there was no choice but watching her die. I couldn't believe that she was dead.& at some point something told me she's not dead. She's still alive & her little body can not bear the heavy weight of ground. So without thinking I kept digging the grave aggressively. Dying to hear her words one last time.. But she never spoke. Ever. "

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