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I got tired after driving for three hours straight in midnight. I got off from my car and sat on the edge of it. Simply looking at the stars and for some unfamiliar reasons it reminded me of my old friends.& all the things that happened 4years ago when I first found out about Luca's weird interests on black magic ...

The Next day after that I tried to call Elias but his phone was switched off & so no one was receiving the landline. ..

So , I had to join my class alone. I didn't see Luca anywhere from the morning.. Elias reached the class before I did.& let's just say he was doing just fine as he always did. Made me wonder if everything was actually okay between us. But he didn't care to take the initiative to talk or even to look. & honestly I couldn't care less about it.Like I said, I was not familiar to that much ignorance till then.Or maybe I did but at least it was not intentionally... Not because of his anger, dissapointment. & then I wondered should I actually be worried or not.

I paused for a moment to think what did I do in last few decades that could make him so angry. But it was all blank. & as much as I tried to think harder frustration arose
into different level .I somehow managed to make myself understood that I was over thinking. & then I over thought the fact I was over thinking.

7days 18hours passed like this & I was officially alone and depressed. Even no sign of Luca. I kept playing every song sad I knew. Tried to call Luca but his number was invalid. But I clearly remembered talking to him in that number. Made no sense...

Even I did the most stupid thing. I sat on the half lotus position ( meditation position) & started calling ,
" Lucifer , Lucifer, Luca. ..Lucifer Luca.. Just fucking response damn it. "
Didn't work.

Tried to make many imaginary conversations with Elias. & then at certain point I was scared. Scared of losing the most precious friend I had all these years.....

3months passed still nothing changed. I understood that I was a very easy option to let go. Besides I had never been a better friend anyway.So there was no point of explaining or discussing anything. Let's just say I was doing pretty well at handling rejection... Driving insanely in the guilty road trip.
I understood nothing with my little pea brain . I felt like a burden of earth. Just like Luca said, " Teenage dirt bag. " Luca's invisibility was remarkable. I heard a lot of whisperings every time I was out. I felt the atmosphere was getting sick by my presence. & I didn't know why.

as a
as a

& even
as a
Student. ( I even failed at math. Can you believe this ? Math ? )

That's right math... It was just another bad day. I was just as sadistic & depressed soul as before. Not sure what did I miss most?!!! & then the surprise answer sheet from surprise test reached to my hand.... & all I saw was binary numbers in every solution. Zeroes & zeroes. I felt like the whole world was lifting upside down. Then our math professor Gilbert added a new flavor to my sadness & agony story... He announced my name infront of whole classroom ( ofcourse including the fact that I got zeroes, it was 15min specch approximately) ,

He said in a dramatic tone,

" June Amberson? "

I stood up, keeping my gaze low.As if I had done a horrific crime or something.

He mocked, " Would you like to share your marvelous method of achiving highest binary numbers in Mathematics? "

The whole class broke into a laughter. Mostly because nobody failed & they had a reason to.

Constellation of Stars 🌌  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now