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So. You've obviously heard about the great Percy Jackson. But, I have found top secret information that not many know. Only a few gods and goddesses know this. Do you think that you can keep this secret. Well, first: I have honest intelligence that Percy Jackson has a twin sister. I know! Can you believe it? Well her name is Priscilla and she has given me permission to tell you her story.

You see, Sally Jackson was not a silly mortal she knew that her love was in fact the Poseidon god of the seas. After he left she found out that she was pregnant. Not long after the news she meet a demigod in the middle of a fight with a hellhound. The hellhound was kill but not till after giving a deap slash wound to the stomach. The demigod bleed to death. Poseidon mentioned the powers but no the monsters. Sally grabbed the dagger that she used and left.

Later Sally found out that she was going to have twins. She was not ready for that. She was a single mother and her job at candy story would not do maybe for one but not for two. So she went out to find someone to marry. She found someone, but little did she know that that he was not a nice guy.

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