Nico and the Hunters

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As Percy and I were walking out of the woods we talked about this quest, the war that just passed, and the fact that we where now 16. I was finally getting to know my twin. But of course the conversation turned to me.

"Where did you stay those two years?" Percy asked

"At the old cabin, we stayed at before I was kidnapped." I answered.

"Is that why when we visited when I was 7 it was clean."


"I know this might be crazy but I had a dream that before you left you told me goodbye while I was asleep."

"You remember that?"

"Yup." He answered. I smiled and we just stood there for a moment to Percy apparently remember something. "Crap"


"I forgot that I have a sea god to yell at."

"You have no fear do you?"

"Nope, bye" Percy ran of and I continued to walk out the woods. Just as I exited the woods, I heard a twig snap and I turned to see Nice standing there looking nervous.

"Hi" Nico said in a small voice.

"What where you doing?"

"Walking?" He said though it sounded more like a question.

"Where you walking or easdropping ?"

"Would you believe me if I said both?" Nice said still nervous, I glared. "Fine, easdropping."



"Go to your room. I mean it. I am very angry with you. Go to you room."

Nice rolled his eyes and left, but then quickly came back remembering that he was staying here.

********Time Skip*******

A day later the Hunters arrived. As Thaila lead the Hunters in I couldn’t help but miss my friend. After greeting the Hunters we decided that I would play hunter till they left.

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