A New Home and Family

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It was again late at night that Hera came to visit me.

"Come with me, child."

"Just one second," I said and ran into the cabin for the first time since they came here. "Percy, I love you," I said and kissed him then ran to join Hera.

We arrived in a large Greek style house. I was so tired. I walked straight toward the fireplace and lay down. Next thing I knew I was asleep.

I opened my eyes and saw four faces looking down at me. I quickly sat up and looked at each face.

"Do you know who we are?" One on of the 3 girls questioned.

"Well, I know Hera but the others no." I replied.

"Ok, well I am Hestia."



"Well, I am Priscilla. Hello Lady Hera, Lady Hestia, Lady Aphrodite, and Lord Hades. I guess by the way you guys are looking at me that you know my story." I said.

"Yes. So, Priscilla, Hera and I were wondering of you would like us to be your adopted moms," Hestia said kindly.

"It would be a great pleasure!"

"And I would like to be your adopted father," Hades said so kindly it shocked me I mean the I didn't know the god of the underworld could be so kind.

"I would love that." I looked over to Aphrodite. She looked sad as if she would like to do something for me just did not know what. "Aphrodite I have always wanted a sister. Will you be my sister?"

She smiled and gave me a bear hug.

"I guess that is a yes." I said laughing.

"You bet it is." Aphrodite or now little sis answered. I smiled to myself I have a family one I can trust.

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