Training and Pets

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I fire traveled to where Anna was and took her to my house. First, I sparred with her to see what skills she had, then I improved on them. I showed her how disarmed her enemy. She learned it pretty quickly. We were messing around when I took the ribbon out of her hair. As I played with it I was whipping it around when it caught the sword of dummies. I decided to try to disarm it by pulling hard on the sword. Good news it worked bad news the sword flew at me and hit me in the head thank gods it was wooden.

"Well that's going to leave a mark," I said rubbing the part where the sword hit. Anna giggled. "Run along now before the wooden sword hits your head."

"Yes mam" She nodded and ran to who knows where.

I went upstairs to where my family was.

"Hey, Princess, Zeus wants you to go to Olympus."

"Oh my oh my I would love to go to Olympus and meet the over dramatic king of the gods. It would be a great honor, but I have to decline." I replied.

"Look who is over dramatic now?"

"Watch it, Anna," I said glaring at Anna.

"His exacts words were 'get Hera's little pet'"

"I am not a pet!!!!"I screamed then smirked, "If a pet he wants than a pet he gets ." I turned into a peacock.

"Turn back" Hera commanded. I switched back to being a human and then in Hera flashed us to Olympus.

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