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Today is that day I'm going camping to be honest I am very nervous and not very happy. Percy just found out I'm his twin and now I'm going camping with him, Thaila, and Nico. We are going out to the mortal world in the woods close to Georgia. I stood in the Hera cabin packing my stuff up. I put in a bag a few shorts and a couple T-shirts.

I walked out my cabin to see Nico Thalia and Percy all standing at the Thaila's pine tree all packed up and ready to go. Thaila wore a silver t-shirt and tattered jeans. Percy was wearing a sea green shirt and shorts. Nico was wearing a black T-shirt and black jeans and I was wearing jeans and black hoodie lined with sea green swirls.

We set off and after a few miles of walking I realized it was pointless and I fire traveled us there. We set up our tent witch for much like the hunters tents and started a fire.

After the fire in camp site where set up we decided to go find a stream to play in. We have took our weapons with us in case we ran into monsters. We we returned to our campsite when it started raining at sunset setn.

" why is your dad mad, Thaila." I asked Thaila

" calm down, drama queen" Percy yelled at the sky lightning plastered the sky signaling that Zues was mad.

"How about we go to bed before he strikes us down." Nico getting up to go to his tent.

"You scared of a little water gramps." Percy teased and Thaila laughed.

"Yah, you scared." I jeered.

"Well, easy for you guys to say." Nico said pointing to the three of us. Then he pointed to Percy and I. "You two are water proof and you, Thaila, are immune to lighting. I'm not."

"So" I said shugging.

"So I'm going to bed."

"Night Gramps" Percy said. Nico momentary glared at Percy before crawling into his tent. Percy then left leaving me with Thaila.

"You seem happier since you told Percy." Thaila commented.

"I am. It feels like a burden was lifted of my shoulders. One burden I was having trouble holding." With that we went to bed.

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