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Hey, guys so this is my last chapter.

Princess P.O.V

It was late Tuesday morning, I came out of the arena after sparring with Clarisse. I was heading towards the dinning pavilion when just over the hill Percy and Annabeth hand and hand. I made my way toward them.

"Chase" I said nodding to her. Then I gave Percy a hug.

"You smell like sweat" Percy whispered in my ear.

"You smell like seaweed, deal with it." I answered and he chuckled.

"What?" Annabeth demanded.

"Crabby much" Percy muttered. She answered with a glared.

"I just told you boyfriend that he smells like seaweed." I answered with a smirk. We walked down the hill.

"Hey, Annie you want to spar?"


"Race to the arena." Percy announces. "On go. 3. 2.1." He broke out running then yelled over his shoulder. "Go"

"Cheater" Annabeth and I screamed at the same time as we stared after him.

I like to say that I won, but that would be a lie. Percy won, but just by a hair and that was because he cheated.

Annabeth unsheathed her dagger and me my twin dagger. They were elemental daggers. River is a water dagger the blade is made of water with a deadly point. Burn is a fire dagger the blade is made of fire with deadly point. Annabeth and I circled each other waiting for the other to strike.

"Hurry" Percy shouted.

"Make me" I shouted at him my eyes never Annabeth.

Annabeth strikes and I blocked. I used both daggers to go at her from different sides. She blocks burn and river hits her left arm. It went like that till we where both scraped up and tired. I use river to slash at her left she blocks and I take burn and hit her with the flat of my blade. She gasp as the hot metal hits her arm. Her dagger fell and I kicked it a cross the arena. I shadow travel behind her and place burn behind her neck and river in front.

"Yield" I whispered in her ear.

"I yield" Annabeth answers. I take my blades away frome her neck and heal her burns from my blade. I give her a square of ambrosia and ate one my self, then I returned her dagger. I spent the day with Percy and Annabeth. After camp fire Percy came to tell me good night.

"Close you eyes" Percy commanded. I obeyed. Then I felt some thing in my neck. I look down and I saw a wolf necklace. I gave him a hug. He whispered in my ear. "Night. I love you, Priscilla." Then gave me a kiss in the check. He ran of to Annabeth and I saw them kiss.

**********Time Skip************

The next morning I went Annabeth and I found out the Percy was gone. My twin was gone.

Hey guys so that raps up my book. I will write a secequal that will be published soon.

Betrayed by the Sesaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن