Betrayed by the Sea

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I lived underwater till I was 5 years old. For the first 3 years my half-brother Tyron was nice up until the day that he found out that I was daddy's favorite.

One day he took me out and we got attacked by a group of monsters. He ran and hid while I was left in front of them. I killed them with ease. We then went home and he bragged that he killed all the monsters. I knew the truth so it didn't bother me. He started spreading rumors about me.

Pretty soon the entire ocean was talking bad about me. All had left me except my dad and my best friend.

One day I was sitting there with my best friend.

"Don't worry I will always believe that you are the good guy and he is the bad guy. I will alway stand with you." My friend promised.

"Thank you."

It was that very day that Tyron promised me that he would do all he could to destroy my life and everything that I loved. I just lost it how dare he. I had not done anything to him. I swam up and pushed him back into a wall and pushed my dagger into the wall next to his face. It was at that moment that my father came in.

"Priscilla, what are you doing. No child of mine will do this to another." My father yelled.

"But dad he started it."

"Ah look she's acting like a 5-year-old." My brother sneered.

"I am five what's your excuse?" I taunted. That jerk pushed me to the floor.

"Priscilla Jackson I disclaim you as my daughter. Get out of my sight."

"No problem." At that, I swan out of the room and started to walk to my best friend's house.

"Priscilla is so stuck up." I heard the voice of an ex-friend.

"And stupid too." My best friend laughed.

"So much for that promise" I mumbled.

After that, I knew I could not stay there any longer. So I swam to the beach.

Hey so thank you for reading and please comment.

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