The Boat

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Georgie's POV:
I woke up to birds chirping and I heard snoring next to me. I looked to see Slivko's face buried into the makeshift pillow and he was snoring. I ran my fingers through his hair and he rolled over on his stomach. Even though it was early in the morning it was hot. I huffed at the heat and pushed the blanket off my body. I looked outside at the river in the village and it was pretty. "Pretty." I whispered. Slivko rolled over on his back and I stroked his head. My finger trailed down his neck to his chest. I traced circles on his shirtless chest and I kissed his cheek. I continued to trace circles and random shapes on his chest. I heard a chuckle and I looked up at him. I blushed and said "sorry. Didn't mean to wake you. You're just so pretty." I whispered the last part. He propped himself up on his elbows and he motioned for me to come to him. I got in between his legs and he sat up. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately.

I pulled away and looked at him

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

I pulled away and looked at him. He looked my body up and down and he pulled me closer to him. My legs were on both sides of his body. He kissed my jaw and moved down to my neck. I tilted my neck so he could have more access and he took the opportunity. As his lips trailed all over my neck the door opened. My eyes widened as James stood at the door. I tapped Slivko and he shoved my hand away. "Reg." I said through gritted teeth. He looked at me dumbfounded and then I pointed to the door. He turned around and said "what?" James said "Hank needs help on the boat. Um..." Slivko said "what's your deal?" James stood at the door flustered and he said "you guys are just making out and there's things to do." Slivko blew a raspberry and said "and?" James closed the door and I giggled. Slivko rolled his eyes and said "what was up with him?" "I guess he saw us making out and he's embarrassed cause he walked in on it." I replied. Slivko went to my neck and began to kiss it again. I inhaled sharply and his hands went under my breasts.

A soft moan left my lips and Slivko looked at me

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

A soft moan left my lips and Slivko looked at me. He smirked and said "ooh." I stopped him and said "ok tough guy." He kissed my lips and I said "we should go and help them." He nodded and said "you're right." I stood up and said "where's your knife?" He grabbed it and handed it to me. I took it and began to cut my cargo pants off. Slivko watched as I cut the pants into shorts. He smirked and said "cut them pants off." "Stop." I said. He laughed and once I finished he still sat on the bed shirtless. I knelt down on the floor and kissed his stomach. I kissed up to his chest and he laughed. I kissed his lips multiple times and he said "I love you." "I love you too." I replied. I kissed his stomach again and he sighed. "Stay there." I said. I walked out of the room and said "Mason come here." She came over and said "what is it?" "Can I borrow your camera?" I asked. She sighed deeply and said "I'll take a picture of whatever it is." "Please Mason? Come on. It's me." I said. She took the camera off from around her neck and said "don't kill my baby." "I promise it's safe with me." I said to her. I walked in the bedroom and said "look Reg." He looked up at me and I snapped a picture. "Oh why'd you do that?" He asked. I giggled and said "because you're so cute." I then called Mason in the room and said "can you take a picture of us?" "Why did I even give it to you when I was going to have to take a picture of y'all anyway?" She asked. "Because I wanted to be the one to take the picture I took." I replied. Mason said "whatever." I pulled Slivko up to his feet and Mason said "stand by the window. So the river is in the background." We stood there and Mason said "hold her face up to yours. And you look up at him." Slivko grabbed my face and made me look up with him. I blushed and he said "no blushing." I smiled up at him and I heard the camera go off. "You're welcome." Mason said as she walked off. Slivko threw his shirt over his head and I pulled on my combat boots. James' eyes widened when he saw my shorts and Slivko followed me like a puppy. We headed out to Hank's boat and I said "your beard looks better." He said "thank you." I pushed my hair to my left side and I began to help them repair the boat. Slivko played Bad Moon Rising on his record player. Mason walked over next to me and cleared her throat. "What?" I asked her. "Woah look at that hickey you got there." She said. I said "oh my gosh I have one?" Mason nodded and I smiled to myself. Hank walked by and said "nice hickey." Slivko heard and walked over. He smirked at my neck and said "I like it." He kissed my lips and then went back to working on the engine. I hummed to the song and helped Mason. After a while I sat in the boat as everyone took a break. I heard footsteps and Slivko said "got you some food." I said "thank you." He sat down next to me with a grunt. He handed me the food and I said "what is it?" "Don't know. But it's good." He replied. I held the meat in my hands and I took a small bite. "I think it's pork." Slivko said. I said "sure tastes like it." He handed me some water and we sat in silence as we ate. I sighed at the feeling of a full stomach. I laid my head on Slivko's stomach and he played with the ends of my hair. I heard a growl and then a chuckle. "Agh I'm still hungry." He said. I looked up at him and said "you can have this." There were some small scraps on my makeshift plate. And he took them happily. Hank stepped onto the boat and said "hey guys." "Hey." We both replied. "She's almost ready. I think Slivko did a good job on the engine so we should be out soon." Hank said as he rummaged through junk. I looked up at Slivko and kissed his lips. He said "I wish I could've met you on different circumstances. I mean we met on a military ship and then crashed onto an island where everything is bigger than us. I'm sure the plants here could eat you." Hank jumped up and said "they can. Certain ones. Stay clear of the flytraps." "Venus flytraps?" I asked. Hank nodded and I said "that's scary." "I'll protect you." Slivko said. I blushed and he smiled down at me.

"Here I wanna show you something

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Here I wanna show you something." Slivko said as he pulled me up to my feet. He grabbed a shotgun and said "I wanna teach you how to use this. Now it ain't loaded cause I don't want you to shoot it off but I want you to learn how to hold it." He unloaded it and held the bullets in his hands. "Look at em'." He said. I held one between my fingers and said "it's cool." Slivko stared at me and said "ok here. Look." He leaned up against the wall behind us and then I was in between his legs. He held the gun in front of me and said "you put your hand here. And then here." He aimed it towards the river and closed one eye.

He put my hand on the handle and I used my other hand to support the gun

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

He put my hand on the handle and I used my other hand to support the gun. "And then you just pull the trigger." He whispered in my ear. I pulled the trigger and said "boom." I aimed it at a tree and said "boom." Slivko pushed the gun towards the sky and I closed one eye. "Boom." He whispered as his lips grazed my ear. I got goosebumps and hank said "hey guys? Oh you're teaching her how to use a gun? Have you taught her to use a pistol? Or a machine gun?" "I want her to be able to defend herself. Cause I really don't wanna lose her." Slivko said as he looked down. I brought his face to look at me and my heart was beating out of my chest. I pressed my forehead to his and said "you won't lose me. I promise." He nodded and pecked my lips. "Well she knows how to use a shotgun. They have a kick to it but they're good guns. Um you wanna start the ship for me?" He asked Slivko. Reg nodded and stood up. He set the gun on the floor of the boat and everyone began piling on. "Try it!" Hank said. The engine sputtered and then started. "Aaah! What the hell?!" Slivko said. I rushed over to see him jump out of the engine hole and Hank said "you got it!" Mason cheered happily and James said "good. We're out of here." Slivko looked at me and said "damn it." I wiped the smoke and dirt off his face. He sighed and I said "let's try the radio again. Once we leave here." He nodded and the gate opened for us to leave. Slivko climbed up onto the roof and he pulled me up. "This is Slivko anyone read me?" He asked into the radio. "Yo Slivko is that you?" Mills said. Reg laughed and said "Mills! Oh shit! You ok?" "I'm good man. Where y'all at?" Mills asked. "We're on a boat." Slivko said. Mills said "a boat? How y'all get a boat?" "We met this old santa guy. And he had a boat. Also tell Packard to shoot off a flare so we can find you." Slivko said. "Shooting flare." Packard said over the radio. A flare went off and we could see it. "Aw hell yeah!" Slivko said. He stood up and James said "just a few klicks up the way. Let's go." Slivko took the radio and got down off the roof. He grabbed me by my hips and set me down. "Good?" He asked. I nodded and said "you think Chapman is with them?" Slivko nodded and hugged my body. Now all we had to do was pick up the guys and we were out of here. Everything was going pretty well. For now.

Here's the update! I've been working on it two days omfg! Also I saw Logan yesterday and holy shit😫😫 it was amazing. Also I'm trying to go see Kong again. I saw it twice already but I'd like to see it a third time. It's such a good movie. If I do go I'll post pics if I go again. But I love you all and thank you for over 400 reads! It means a lot!!

Be Together | Reg SlivkoΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα