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Georgie's POV:
After we flew through the storm we made it back to the ship. People stared at us and looked at the small number of people that had returned. Chapman was immediately rushed to the infirmary for his shoulder. I followed and he laid on a table. The doctor said "I'm gonna have to stitch this up." I nodded and his wound was being numbed. "You get to see Billy soon." I said. He half smiled as his shoulder was being stitched. I grabbed a wet rag and cleaned the dirt off his face. "You ok?" I asked him. He nodded and I pushed his hair out of his face. I kissed the top of his head and he said "I have a great story to tell Billy." "It's gonna be amazing." I said to him. He sat up as he was finished and I stared at his shoulder. He looked at it and bit his lip. I ran my finger across the stitches gently and he said "so you and Slivko huh?" I chuckled and said "yes. I really like him Jack. He saved my life and kept me safe and I get butterflies when I think about him." Jack laughed and said "you sound like my wife." I giggled and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're back. I thought you were gone." I whispered. "I'm right here." He replied. The door opened and Slivko said "hey uh I came to check on you." I pulled away from Chapman and hugged Slivko. I kissed his lips and he buried his face into the crook of my neck. He pressed soft kisses to my neck and I giggled. "Hey Slivko." Chapman said. He pulled away from me and said "yes sir?" "I'm glad Georgie found you. Thanks for protecting her." Jack said. Slivko said "of course. I love her." I blushed and he held his hand out and I held it as I stood next to him. Chapman looked between the two of us and said "y'all are actually a cute couple." A smirk tugged at Slivko's lips and I nudged him.

"I can't wait to take you to the Keys

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"I can't wait to take you to the Keys." Slivko whispered in my ear. I turned to face him and said "yeah?" He nodded and kissed my lips again. Chapman stood up and walked over to the sink in the infirmary. He wet his face and I felt Slivko's arms go around my waist. He stood over the sink for a minute and I said "hey Jack you ok?" He splashed some more water on his face and said "yeah I'm alright. I just can't believe we're going home."

Slivko kissed my neck and said "sir may I have your permission to take Georgie to the Keys with me?" Jack dried his face and looked at me

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Slivko kissed my neck and said "sir may I have your permission to take Georgie to the Keys with me?" Jack dried his face and looked at me. He walked over to Slivko and said "you have my permission, of course. But take care of her. She means as much to me as my wife and son. She's kind of like my sister. You know what? Screw it. She is my sister. I don't care that we're not related by blood but we had one hell of a life together. Georgie you're my sister." I sniffled and hugged Chapman. "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here." I whispered. Chapman held me tightly and said "I know. That's why I had to save you." I pulled away and nodded. Happy tears went down my cheeks and Slivko stared in awe. "You should get cleaned up Georgie. I'll be here." Chapman said. I nodded and began to walk out of the infirmary with Slivko following close behind. His hand was in mine and he said "you really do mean a lot to me." I blushed and said "the same to you. Going on this mission I didn't think anything would come out of it. Honestly I thought you and the guys would be very annoying." Slivko said "hey!" "I did! And how y'all hung around Cole I honestly did." I replied with a small laugh. Slivko frowned at the mention of Cole and I said "I'm sorry. I knew him like you guys did. I knew him as long as I knew Chapman. And the look on Mills' face." My lips parted and I turned away from Slivko. I heard a sniffle and I turned to look at him. Tears went down his face and he said "I wish we never would've went there. He'd still be alive and..." He broke down in front of me and I said "Reg." He dropped down to his knees and sobbed. I held him to my chest and he clung to me. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whispered. Tears formed in my eyes and I stroked his head. "If we never would've went to the island you and I would've never met. Do you understand that? This mission was formed so you and I could meet. Think of it as our destiny." I said. Reg looked up at me and said "r-really?" I nodded and he cried. "Is this how you felt when you thought you lost Chapman?" He asked as his face was muffled in my chest. "Yes." I said. Sobs erupted from his mouth and he said "why does it hurt so much?" I couldn't answer him and he said "I looked up to him. And now he's gone." "Reg it could've been any of us. I'd take his place if I could." I said. He looked at me and said "you don't mean that." I nodded and said "I do." "Don't say that. I can't function without you. I can't smile without you. Do you honestly think I'd be able to live without you?" He asked me. I shrugged and began to cry. "I don't want you to cry. Please don't cry. That's all we've done on this stupid trip and I'm sick of it. Everyone's been sad and I hate it. I wish nobody would've died but that isn't possible. Can we please just celebrate that the war is over and we made it? Our story is going to be heard everywhere. And if I write it, it will be meaningful. It will list everyone that fought for their lives. Just know that Kong wanted us to have a future. He wanted us to be alive so we could live our lives. Please know that I can't deal with us being upset. I can't. I've been crying for the past two days I don't know how I have any tears left." Slivko chuckled and a smile appeared on his face. I kissed his lips passionately and he was taken aback. He held me close to him and I pulled away and clung to him. He began to stand up and he picked me up. He put me on his back and said "we should get out of these clothes." "Let's go." I said. We went by my cabin and grabbed some clothes along with my stuff. I was going to be staying in his room. I huffed as my hair was utterly disgusting and I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I stepped under the shower head and let the water cascade my body. I felt Slivko's arms around my waist and I gasped. "It's ok." He said. "You scared me doofus." I replied. He laughed and I pressed my back to his chest. He places kisses on my shoulder and neck. "I love you." He said. I turned around to look at him and said "I love you too." I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and quickly put in conditioner. Slivko stood under the shower head and wetted his hair. I began to get the tangles out of my hair and I noticed Slivko staring at me. "Don't gawk at me." I said. He snickered and said "gawk? What the hell is gawk?"

I rolled my eyes and he laughed and said "you're so cute when you're mad

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I rolled my eyes and he laughed and said "you're so cute when you're mad." I huffed and crossed my arms on my chest. "I'm not supposed to be cute. I'm supposed to intimidate you so you won't make me mad." I replied. He kissed my cheek and said "well it ain't working." "No shit." I replied. He laughed and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and he kissed my head. I pulled away so I could wash the conditioner out of my hair and I quickly got out and dried off as he did the same. I put my bra and panties on and he stared at my side. I looked where the seatbelt in the heli left a red mark on my side. I frowned at it and he said "it looks much better than when I first saw it. It was really bad a day ago. It was actually bleeding. It'll probably turn black or blue. Like a bruise." I sighed and said "won't that be great?" He said "you'll be ok. Know why?" I shrugged and said "why?" He smirked and said "you have me." I laughed and said "that's right. I have you." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. He led me back to the bedroom and he laid down and I followed. I laid on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." I said softly. "I love you too." Slikvo replied groggily.

Here's the update! Sorry I've been gone a couple of days. I've been stressed out a lot so I'm sorry. I love you guys so much!!

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