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Hey!!!! So Kong came out today! Lit lit🔥 I'm going to get it when my mom gets off work. I should have the book finished in the next few days. Ugh I don't want to finish it. I loved writing this book. I'll either do a James Conrad book or I'll do another Thomas Mann book. I think I might do beautiful creatures. Let me know which one you'd rather read and I'll try to have it up soon. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!!

Georgie's POV:
Today was the day. I was getting married. To the most wonderful man. Reg Slivko. Yes he was dorky and stupid at times but I loved him. Jack was going to walk me down the aisle since my father was so horrible. I didn't invite him to the wedding. Hell I haven't talked to him since Jack rescued me. He probably thinks I'm dead. I hope he does. So he never tries to come and find me. Suzanne fixed the veil on my head and she smiled and said "you look beautiful." I said "thanks." Jack walked in and Suzanne said "I should go get a seat. Plus Billy wants to come back here." She walked out and Jack said "you sure you're ready?" I nodded and said "yeah. This is what I want. I know it is. And since my book is getting published it's perfect." Jack said "ok." He held out his arm and I took it. We began to walk down the aisle. Everyone's eyes were on us. I saw James and Mason, along with Hank and his family. Even San and Houston were here. Reg's eyes met mine and his mouth hung open, like it did when he first met me. It was like meeting for the first time again. The memory played through my head and his awkwardness made me smile. Once I reached Reg he moved my veil out of my face. The preacher began to read out the vows and I bit my lip. Reg smiled down at me and repeated his vows. When it was my turn, I looked at him through my lashes. Reg smirked and I began reciting my vows. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Reg smirked and kissed me passionately. Everyone clapped and cheered. I pulled away to see Mason with tears in her eyes and Mills was crying. "Are you crying man?" Reg asked. Mills shook his head and said "naw man." Reles patted Mills' back and we all moved into the dining area. At weddings the bride is supposed to dance with her father but with me, I danced with Jack. Because he was kind of like my father. He practically raised me. We danced and Reg managed to blast music from our party on the beach. Mason grabbed James and they rushed to the dance floor. Reg hopped off the stage and grabbed me while I laughed. He swayed me back and forth and Mills jumped up and down to the song. Ray Ban Vision blared into the room and everyone was dancing.

Reg leaned in and kissed me passionately. Mills and James yelled out next to us and I felt a tug on my dress. Billy was staring up at us. Reg picked him up and said "are you having fun?" Billy nodded and said "so you're like a mommy and daddy now?" I said "yes. We'll give you a friend soon." "Really?!" Billy asked. I nodded and Reg smirked at me and said "you're so getting ready to have a new best friend."

I sniggered and he set Billy down

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I sniggered and he set Billy down. "You want a kid now?" Reg asked as he kissed my cheek. I nodded and said "yeah why not?" He smirked again and placed a kiss on my neck. I giggled and pushed him off my neck as he continued to kiss my face. "Awe!" Mason said. I blushed and Reg kissed my cheek and said "this is my baby girl." I blushed again and he said "I made you blush." I smiled up at him and pecked his lips. "I love you Reg Slivko." I said. He looked at me and said "I love you Georgie Slivko." I pulled Slivko aside and said "I have to tell you something." "What is it?" He asked. I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth and said "what if I told you that I was already pregnant." Reg said "really?" I nodded and he said "oh my god." He ran away from me and jumped on the stage and grabbed the microphone. "I just found out that my wife, my baby girl, is pregnant!" He yelled. Everyone's eyes immediately landed on me and Mason cheered. Jack said "I'm gonna be an uncle!" I smiled really big and James said "congratulations." "I'm gonna have a best friend!" Billy yelled. Suzanne's mouth hung open at her sons comment and Mills high fived his best friend. Reg hopped down and gave my stomach a big kiss. "I bet it'll be a boy." He said. I rolled my eyes and said "it'll be a girl." He shook his head and said "highly doubt that." The wedding was a huge success. We had a very expensive hotel we were staying in and we used the ballroom. As the night ended Reg and I stayed in our hotel room. He plopped down on the bed. He had managed to get his shirt and coat off but not his pants. I said "you gonna sleep like that?" He nodded against the mattress and I said "well not tonight you're not." I unzipped his pants and said "lift up." He lifted his body so I could pull the pants off and he yawned. I grabbed his shirt that he had on when we were on the island. He smirked and said "looking good." I rolled my eyes and said "I love this shirt." "Why? It's a normal shirt." He replied. I shook my head and said "it's not a normal shirt. It's the shirt that you wore when I fell in love with you." Reg sat up and I straddled his lap. "Wow Georgie. I didn't think about it like that." Reg said. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately.

Here's the update! Lmao when I started writing this chapter it was the 18th but here it's the 19th

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Here's the update! Lmao when I started writing this chapter it was the 18th but here it's the 19th. Hope you guys like this!!

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