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Georgie's POV:
Once the boat docked we had to fly back to America. "Well I guess this is it." I said to Mason. She said "don't say that. We'll see each other again. Don't worry." I nodded and she said "I developed the pictures last night and woah. The one of you and Reg is really cute. And the one of him shirtless is amazing. I'm so glad you took that." We both laughed and she gave me a big hug. I looked to James who said "I hope you and Slivko have a wonderful time in the Keys. I hope to see you two again as well." I nodded and he gave me a hug. "Thank you for saving us." I whispered. He looked at me in shock and Slivko came running up. "James let me give you a hug." He said as I pulled away. They hugged and he did the same to Mason. We began to make our way to the airport. The plane ride was long considering we were going back to the States. Chapman said "you guys can stay at my place. Since your flight is tomorrow." We nodded and grabbed a cab back to his place. Slivko said "nice little house." Mills looked to me and said "ready for the Keys?" I nodded and said "I'm ready." Reles said "it couldn't get here any quicker." Chapman grabbed his key and began to unlock the door. He dropped all his bags by the front door and his wife came from around the corner. She gasped and dropped the plate on the floor. "Mama why'd you do that?" Billy asked. Chapman gasped as Billy came into view. Billy looked up to the sound and said "daddy!" He jumped into Jack's arms and I smiled really big. Slivko said "woah." "Awe." Mills said. "Daddy! You're here!" He said. Chapman said "I'm here buddy." He set Billy down and looked to his wife. "Suzanne." He said. Suzanne had shoulder length black curly hair. A set of pearls went around her neck and she had green eyes. A few freckles laid upon her cheeks and her eyes were filled with disbelief. She jumped into his arms and began to cry. "I didn't know when you were coming back. I would've came to get you." She said. "We just got a cab. Plus we didn't know if we'd be coming back." He replied. Suzanne said "what do you mean coming back?" "Well we were in near death situations in the last two days. You'll hear all about it soon. But I'm glad I'm home." Chapman said. Suzanne kissed her husbands lips and we all began to walk in. "Aunt Georgie!" Billy said. He jumped into my arms and I held him. "Hey! How are you?" I asked as I set him on my hip. "Mama just got me a new toy plane and I gotta show you!" He said as I set him down gently. Billy noticed the two military men standing behind me and he said "woah did you guys fight with dad?" Mills nodded and said "I'm Glenn and this here is Reles. And that's Reg. Reg is Georgie's boyfriend." Billy gasped and said "does that make you uncle Reg?!" Slivko looked at me and I nodded. "Yeah." He said. Billy said "wow! All of you have to see my plane!" He led us upstairs and I looked at the spare rooms. "You're room is down the hall as always aunt Georgie. And Mills could stay in there with Reg." Billy said. I nodded and set my stuff in the familiar room and Slivko did the same. Mills put his things in the other room and we walked into Billy's room. Vehicles surrounded his room. Planes, trucks, locomotives, cars, ships, literally anything you can drive it was in his bedroom. He picked up a large cargo military plane and Slivko said "woah is this your plane?" Billy nodded and said "daddy says that he flies in this planes when he has to go on a mission." Mills said "he's right. We have to sit in them when we go on very important missions." "Have you ever sat in one aunt Georgie?" Billy asked me. I shook my head and said "no but I've sat in the really big helicopters." "Really?!" Billy asked as he jumped up and down with excitement. I nodded and he said "that's so cool! I wanna be just like dad when I grow up." Mills said "and you will." Suzanne walked up and said "I have dinner downstairs. I know you guys are leaving tomorrow but I hope you'll spend time with us before you go." "Of course." I replied. Suzanne gave me a hug and said "I was worried about you. When I heard you were going to where Jack was docked I was worried. I knew they had something planned but I figured you guys would be back." I looked at her and said "I'm sure you were worried. I hate that for you. But it's really good to see you again." She smiled and began to lead us downstairs. We sat down at the table and began to eat. I was exhausted from the flight and wasn't ready to get on one tomorrow. We talked all about the trip and I told Billy about all the creatures on the island. He couldn't believe what I was telling him. I was glad that he was so eager to hear about our last two days. We eventually retired and went to bed. I was in a sheer nightgown and I looked out the windows. "I didn't think I'd miss cars and traffic this much." I said softly. Slivko wrapped his arms around my waist and said "mmm-hmm." I said "I missed the streetlights and hearing a car honking. A car's engine." Slivko pressed a kiss to my neck and said "vroom vroom." I giggled and turned around to face him. He kissed my lips and I went to lay down on the bed. "Let's get some sleep for they flight tomorrow yeah?" I asked. He nodded and said "of course." I pulled the covers up to my chest and Slivko entangled our bodies. I fell asleep on his rising chest, listening to the cars rumble about outside.

Here's the update! I know I've been gone! Sorry!

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