Day 12

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You were pondering over the reason why you liked Killua in the first place.

He annoyed you—hindering your plans, like the time you planned to go somewhere else when you were in a school trip, and the time when you wanted to prank a teacher. You knew you were being scolded afterwards, but what matters is the fun in your doings.

"Geez, you have no sense of fun!" —you'd say to him. Despite him scolding you for whatever you've done this time, he himself had done crazy things whenever he was with Gon. Like, I don't know, maybe trash the exam papers for tomorrow's test? It was a dare, but still.

He always called you names, "hag" being the one he most used, and pranked you whenever he felt bored. Yeah, a person who acts like parent pranks you whenever he felt bored. Not something you see everyday, eh?

Despite that, he can be really sweet sometimes; he knew when you were down, and he would always make you feel better, making you smile by giving you small gifts or comforting you. He isn't the type to be sweet, as he's more mischievous and a stoic, square guy. It's almost impossible to believe he's sweet to you—the person he always lectures and insults at.

He helped you every time you were in trouble (sometimes unwillingly, but meh, that doesn't matter); forgetting to do assignments and lets you copy his, waking you up whenever you fell asleep in class (rather harshly, but still, he's helping you), giving you his support when you needed it (in a Tsundere way, of course. He would avert his eyes away as he said, "G-good luck..." while blushing profusely). And we can't forget that crucial one...

...helping you in each of your heartbreaks.

As much as he's used to your crushes and beliefs, he's used to your heartbreaks. At the moment, it wasn't just your heart alone breaking, his heart felt as if it was breaking as well. Your determined expression, embarrassed face and smile—all vanished into thin air, replaced by tears, anguish and misery.

It pained him to see you crying over some guy who could care less about you and didn't even spare a glance at you. He knew you deserved someone better; someone who would actually treasure you and would cherish their memories with you. No matter how troublesome you were, no matter how much you pissed him off, you were his best friend.


Best friend...

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" The silverette asks, nonchalantly jamming his hands in his pockets, but you saw a hint of worry in his eyes. "Just...thinking about things, that's all." You smiled, a way to reassure him you were fine. It wasn't a common sight to see you staring off at a distance and keeping quiet.

"It's almost night. Can we go home now? I'll walk you home as usual. Maybe we can stop by the shop you always wanted to go to? I'll explain to your mom why you came home later than usual."

"Yeah... that'd be nice..." he frowned at your response, furrowing his eyebrows. "What's wrong? You're acting strange..."

"Hmm? What are you talking about? I'm acting like my normal self." You flashed a smile at him, but he could easily tell it was forced and there's some kind of hidden meaning behind it. "Besides, I'm just a bit...tired, I guess. Nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about, huh..." he murmured.

"Yep. Now let's go! Your treat~"

"Huh? I never said anything about treating you!"

"Now, now, Kil. You're the one who proposed the idea. You can't back-out~!"

"Like I said before, I never said anything about trea-" You cut him off, shooting him with a glare as you held his collar.

childhood blues | killua zoldyckWhere stories live. Discover now