OC Contest (Will Also Be Replaced)

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ok first of all I am so sorry for getting your hopes up for a new chapter but this is preeeeetty important too

(credit to @KilluaZoldyckismybae for the oc contest idea. check out her book too!)

so I made a mistake, like usual. I forgot something important, like usual. I became lazy, like usual.

long story short, I forgot to make Killua's fan girl a real character. you know, the one you talked to in day 40? she's actually going to be important. not too important, but still needed. so yeah, I forgot to make her a real character and since I'm too lazy to make names and back stories and stuff, I'm leaving it up to you guys. you'll have a chance of actually interacting with the characters!

all you need to do is fill up this form:

nickname (normal nickname and one for insults):
appearance (hair, eyes, etc.):

backstory isn't really needed in this story. it's just a book full of fluff and angst lol

if no one wants the part, then...

I'm going to be embarrassed :")

if anyone's wondering, I am actually working on the next chapter. it's just not completed yet. I'm lacking motivation cuz, like I said earlier, I don't like Killua that much now. Karma is interfering-

hope you guys are patient. I promise you though, the wait's worth it.

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