Day ? | Valentine's Special

647 36 29

ok so very important announcement

before anything else, im going to prioritize rewriting what ive written so far. reading my abandoned works is a real headache and gives me so much embarrassment that it hurts :") i hope i don't offend anyone who does like this story genuinely, but then again, when so many stories are good and much much better than mine, its hard to like this.

so i hope you don't mind me disappearing for another year two months !! first half of this is unedited, so it sucks. also i said 'rewrite' but i wont make a new book, ill just post it here.

honestly tho i only made this to make people read it and not ignore it because its just an authors note haha so good luck cringing


"Please don't tell me you're making me eat that."

Who cares about pride when you're about to get food poisoned?

Gulping, the male took a step back on human instinct, hand itching to reach for the knife to defend him with against a spoon. Eyes slowly averting from yours, his gaze wandered across the room, internally panicking while searching for the door. It didn't take a genius to know he did not want this.

"Killua, it's not going to kill you."

"Yes, it's going to poison me."


"Do you really blame me for trying to avoid something I don't like?"

You sighed, seeing his clearly disgusted face. You lowered the spoonful of chocolate, visibly disappointed as you started to clean your table. He could only stare in astonishment, bewildered by the sight of you giving up so easily.

"You're... not going to pressure me into eating it?"

"Do I need to?"

Chuckling bitterly, you threw the bowl of melted chocolate into the sink, chucking the last bits of chocolate bars to the trash bin and not storing it in the fridge to eat it sometime, much to Killua's surprise.

"If it disgusted you by just its looks, why should I give it?"

Your lips evolved into a grin, thumbs pointing to your room upstairs.

"Come on, we have a game to play."

Jogging to upper ground, you didn't bother to check if he followed.

His eyes traveled to the trash bin, stuffed with wrappers and wrappers of chocolate, then to the sink full of dishes you would need to wash later. He sighed, about to catch up when he notices your wallet lying on the table, not a single coin kept inside.

"Killua! Do you really want to lose that badly?"

"Y-yeah, just a second..." he murmurs, still eyeing the item as he climbs up the stairs. Forcing himself to look away, he could only wonder why you put so much effort and spent so much money on chocolate.

After all, with your teary eyes, it couldn't have been just for nothing.

*   *   *


"Hold up a sec, there's still some inside."

You groaned, tapping your foot to the ground impatiently, arms crossed and eyes glaring into the male's soul though it seemed like he didn't even care. He was aware of your annoyance, yes, but when he's friends with someone quick tempered but also able to tolerate his brattiness, ignoring is like second nature.

"Damn you and your fangirls."

"You're just jealous."

"Jealous of being stalked in the bathroom? No thanks."

"Admit it, you want chocolate."

"I'm in the middle of a diet."

"When you're also stealing chocolate from me? I don't think so."

You furrow your eyebrows at the accusation, hiding the half-eaten chocolate from the pile with your back.

"I do not!"

"Go knock yourself out, I'm not the one being badmouthed by my crush anyway."

You gasp, dramatically putting your hand over your chest while he continues to merely stare.

"You did not just go there."

He smirks, closing his locker with a loud thud. "Oh, but I just did."

"You little shi-"

"Instead of ritually cursing me, why don't you actually give your chocolate?"

You blink, eyes widening by a fraction.

"You remembered that?"

"Who wouldn't when you threw chocolate without eating it?"

"...I would've been happier if you didn't say that, but okay."

Hastily zippering your bag open, you dug through the contents, eyes lightening up as you spotted the item.

"Can you watch if someone else is here?"

He raises his eyebrow in question, puzzled. "Why?"

"Just... please? This is important."


He honestly complied only because you actually asked politely for once.

*   *   *


It had been at least ten minutes and he grew suspicious at your lack of curses about being unable to fit the chocolate through the small hole of the locker. Already mad, he peeked through the way between lockers, and you were indeed nowhere to be seen.

"I knew it, she left me."

Sighing, he ran his hand through his hair in exasperation.

"Whatever, I forget to get my book anyway..."

Opening his locker, he was greeted with a box of chocolates topped with a note written by handwriting he was too familiar with.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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