Day 5

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You did say you were going to keep it up, however...

"OMG! Is that a new cafe?!" You shrieked as you pointed to a newly built cafe, seemingly cozy even from outside. A wooden structure, the wonderful scent of bread, the beautiful scenery (from the balcony, anyway), a relaxing atmosphere, the heavenly taste of its pastries and drinks; what's there not to love?

"Ah! A new clothing shop!" You glanced at the said shop. You weren't particularly fond of clothing. Wait, let me rephrase that: you didn't like to go shopping. Even if you did, you would still end up wearing hoodies and something with black. (Let's just pretend for now.) But now, your thoughts had vanished. Hoodies that you liked were in there. T-shirts that totally fit your style were in there. Shoes that would look fabulous (FABULOUS- //got slapped) on you were in there. Basically, what you liked were all in there.

"EEK! An ice cream shop! They look delicious!" He sighed at your excitement. It is summer, so it is completely understandable why you were jumping up and down, even if it was completely out of character of you. Ice cream is absolutely heavenly if you ate in the blazing hot summer.

"Killua! Killua! Let's check them out!" Your eyes sparkled as you held his hands. "I thought you were broke?"

"That's a lie, silly!"

"Oh, so I had to treat you to lunch earlier even if it was a lie?" He pinched your cheek as he glared at you. "Oww, oww! Owwie! Staph it, Kelluwa! I'm sowwy- oww!" As soon as he let go of you, you pouted and puffed your cheeks out as you rub your sore cheek. "I was saving for an anime game of sorts..."

"That won't be good enough for an excuse, (Y/N)."

"But Danganronpa v3 (sorry, I just had the Danganronpa feels, I couldn't help it. Why did you have to die Chiaki?!) was released back in January! I want to play the game! It's already summer, and I haven't yet!"


"...what do you mean?"

"It's just a killing game. Why do you need it?"

"...none of your business."

" won't become a detective, (Y/N)." You pouted once again. "Shut up, Killua."

"Was I just hearing things that you wanted to complete that stupid myth? How are you supposed to do that now?" You averted your eyes from his gaze as you reasoned, "It's not my fault I'm distracted..."

"I told you it's not going to work. Come on, let's check out that cafe-"

"No!" You gripped his shoulder. "We are not going anywhere unless we complete our mission!" You exclaimed. Yes, you were definitely determined, but he could clearly see your hesitation as you trembled. He sighed and corrected you, "Your mission, you mean. I'm only here to see if you're alright. Now that I think about it, I don't have to be here. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to check out that cafe." He internally smirked as he teased you. It was understandable why he was surprised when you sent him a glare.

"Look here, mister. You're coming with me and that is final."

"You clearly said-"


"I don't want to-" his eye twitched once he sees you giving him the puppy eyes. "Please, Killua? I'll treat you to a Chocorobo-kun!"

"That's not worth-"

"Tens of boxes."

"You ain't fooling me. You don't have money."



You ended up dragging him with you as he muttered profanities as you told him you would check out the shops with him some other day.

"I doubt that..." he murmurs, now having freedom to walk on his own. "Hmm? Why's that?" You questioned as you tilted your head, trying to decipher his expression. "You probably wouldn't have time with me anymore once you have your boyfriend. Hell, he's going to be the one to go to that cafe with you..." he gritted his teeth in frustration, purposely hiding his face from you.

Meanwhile, you had a smirk on your face. "So, you're jealous, am I right?" He nearly choked. "As if! Don't assume things, stupid!" This time, he faced you. He clearly had a pink hue in his cheeks as he pouted.

He truly is a tsundere.

"Sooooo, you're saying... you wouldn't care if I only hung out with my future boyfriend and ignored you?"

"Like hell I'm going to allow that!"

I wonder how pissed he's going to be when he finds out that future boyfriend of yours was him all along and was jealous of himself...?

childhood blues | killua zoldyckWhere stories live. Discover now