A. Stay at the classroom

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Oh, you pick this choice? Hmm... this is strange... I was pretty sure the last one seemed more convincing... Oh well. No one else knows which choice has the true ending anyway. It may be this one, the next one, or the last.

Good luck... I guess.

(This will start on the last chapter, the part part where you're about to leave.)

'...well, I should get going. I already told Kurapika I needed a break from studying, so I can go to the hill straight-'

"(Y/N)!" Your thoughts were cut off as you heard a classmate of yours call out your name. You blinked. "What is it?"

"Please!" They held their hands in a pleading form. "Can you clean the room for me? My mom collapsed, so I need to rush to the hospital! I swear, I'll be the one cleaning for you when it's your turn!"

"Huh? Why me? Gon is still here-"

"Thank you so much!" They ran away, heading to the exit. 'I should just ask Gon. I want to go to the hill now...' you thought as you slid the door open, only to see no one present. "Wha...? Wait, he was just here! I swear, I didn't see him exit-" you paused as realization sunk in. 'Right... that guy always exits out the school by jumping out the window...' you sweatdropped. 'Damn Gon and his weird ways...!'

Grumbling out curses, you took the broom in a corner in your classroom. "I do need to hurry up... else I won't make it..."

* * *

"Sh*t!" You cursed as you glanced at the wall clock. '5:48', it said. 'Just how long did I clean?! And wasn't I supposed to have a cleaning partner to help me?! Ohh, that person is in trouble...!' You cursed the person in your mind as you rushed to wipe the dust on the desk, soon kicking the broom to the corner as you finished. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you ran out of the classroom. Your eyes widened once you saw the sky becoming more and more orange. "F*ck, I need to hurry...!"

And so, you did.

Tried, anyway.

For some reason, when you try to hurry, you only become more slower.

Ignoring the people's judgemental looks and gossips about you, you only thought about getting up the hill in time. Or hoped. After all, the sun is about to set; there is a very low chance of you making it. But no, you do not want to give up. Unlike those times where you give up (easily) on a problem on a test even though you tried answering it for a long time (not really, five minutes tops and you give up), you are not giving up, nope. You've come so far already; would be a shame if you gave up now, no?

With newfound confidence, you ran to the hill while grinning. "Like hell I'm giving up now!" You yelled, eyes burning in determination. The people who heard you only gave you weirded out looks, but you paid no heed to that. Your goal was to make it to the hill in time, not to please other people! So who cares about reputation?!

...okay, maybe you care about it a little, but seriously, you have to get going.

Slowly, your hope disappeared as you saw the sun turning orange. Time was running out, and you knew that. You chewed on your lip as you tried to run faster, but to no avail. You've been running for around twenty minutes nonstop, and your legs were killing you. No, you did care about it, unlike those fictional characters in stories you've read. As much as you want to make it in time, the pain was too much. Too much for you to bear.

Panting in exhaustion, you stopped running for a brief moment, and ran once again after a few minutes. You felt absolutely drained; breathing heavily, sweat trickling down your face, legs sore. But you had to run. Run. Run. Run. Run as fastest as you can.

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