Day 25

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God, I just remembered how awful of an author I am :") I read this story and realized how half-assed it was. Hell, most of the scenes are made when I was out of motivation! The chapters weren't worth the wait! I need more angst- umm, I mean, fluff to make your hearts pound for our dear Killua! So, after I write this story, I plan to edit it once my writing gets better (cuz I notice that I get better in writing once I read enough stories that has excellent grammar and stuff and I get affected from that lol). I read a story that you may know called 'How To Make An Assassin Fall In Love' (should've been 'how to make an asshole fall in love' because Killua is frustrating sometimes -_- alright, alright, I'm done with foul words) and even though the summary isn't actually a summary, the story's great! I need to have that level at least!

But I suppose you'll have to stick to my current cringey writing for now. Once I get better, I'll tell you guys!

(oh ya dis part is lame and the next one is too in my opinion but after that the chapter's pretty good)


Ever since that day, Killua became distant—he didn't pester you like he usually did, he didn't let you copy off his assignment (thus making you panic and pull out an all-nighter just to complete all of them, which would explain the bags under your eyes), he avoided eye contact with you. Actually, nevermind. He just generally avoided you and pretended you weren't present, even if you were goddamn in front of him. You were practically "dead" in his eyes.

Harsh, huh?

Hell, he even pleaded, pleaded, the Killua who would never plead to anyone, pleaded to Kurapika to tutor you instead of him.


Strange things are happening today.

Wait, that wasn't the point now, was it?

You sighed as you gazed at the silverette, who was chatting with a girl whose name you never bothered to acknowledge with a smile on his face. Okay, that's odd. Firstly, he avoided you, who he would normally pester.

The albino sent you menacing glare.


Fine, let's be honest here. Firstly, he avoided you, who would always try to pester him.

Happy now, Killua?

Geez, how did he even know...?

Secondly, he pleaded to Kurapika to tutor you instead. Yes, he could do it for a different reason other than to avoid you, like for you having better grades when he tutors you (let's face it, Kurapika's smarter than Killua no matter how he denies it) or being too lazy to tutor you (yup, Killua's smart [except in Math lol] but he is lazy, too), but look at his current behavior. He doesn't even want to look at you straight in the eye! It makes you miss his eyes that you thought are beautiful.


Okay, chop chop, we don't have time to admire him now, do we? Not like you did anyway...

...did you?


Anyways, thirdly, he was talking to another girl. A girl. The girl you recognized as Killua's fan girl.

To summarize, he was acting strange.

Okay, just...

...what the hell happened?

Killua wouldn't even spare a smile at his fan girls to make them satisfied and leave him alone, let alone, glance at them. But here he is, chatting with a fan girl with a smile on his face. A smile he didn't show just to anyone. A smile that looked too dreamy to be true.

childhood blues | killua zoldyckWhere stories live. Discover now