Day 7

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As he sat down on a chair, he stares into nothingness, muttering a few curses. He looks pretty sour, it's almost like he's sulking. You sighed as you placed your hands on your waist. "Honestly! If you hate it that much, you don't have to come with me every day!" You facepalmed, making it seem more dramatic. "Seriously!" He glanced at the sky, which was a dark blue, adorned by twinkling stars ("You know, stars don't twinkle. They only disappear for a moment because some rock covers the light-" Killua explains, but as usual, you didn't listen. As a result, he became annoyed; he was tutoring you—can't you listen? He's doing a favor! Then just like that, he hit your head). He stood up, walking away as he takes his bike away.

"It's getting dark, so it's dangerous." He states as he glanced at the sky, oblivious to the ominous aura surrounding you. 'I'm being treated like a kid?!'


That's what you thought when he was thinking...

'I'm worried for you, idiot.'

You should study tsundere translation once in a while.

"You're probably not going to keep it up until this point, anyways. It's a miracle you even kept it up for a whole week."

"Yeah, yeah, just watch me!" You playfully stuck out your tongue as you made a face to him. "You really are a kid."

"Oh, shut up. Why do you want to go with me, anyway?"

"I told you, didn't I? It's not safe-"

"Not that!" You snapped at him. "You're obviously here for another reason. I'm not stupid-" he coughs purposely, to which you rolled your eyes at and continued on, correcting yourself, "- I'm not that stupid."

"You are."

"Stop trying to change the damn subject, old man." His eye twitched. "I was given the name Killua, and I would prefer you not making any insults about my appearance."

"Just spit it out!"

"Isn't it obvious?" His lips curled into a small smile, to which you were unaware was hidden with sadness. "I'm your best friend."

It pained him to say that.

"If you want to be kidnapped or harassed by some perverts, I'll gladly leave you alone."

"Heyyy! I thought you were finally becoming sweet!" He stopped in his tracks. "Killua...?" You were about to tap on his shoulder, asking if he was fine, but he abruptly faces you, cheeks tinted with pink. "S-since when did I become sweet, idiot?"

'Ah, he's always serious and insulting me now and then, I almost forgot he was a tsundere.'

"W-whatever, let's just go home."

"Will you walk me home again?"

"You take that for granted now, don't you?"

"Nope~ if a person like you turns into Prince Charming, how could I take that for granted?"

"P-prince Charming? Are you serious?"

"Whaaaaat? That's what your fan girls call you now, isn't it?"

"They're exaggerating. How the hell would I act like a prince? I'd probably get kicked out of the castle."

"True, true...but I guess I view you as a prince because you're always reliable and kind to me." You grinned as you blurted out.


Well, sh*t. How are you going to excuse for this?

"Ah- I mean- that's-" incoherent words flew out of your mouth as your brain couldn't work properly due to panic. You only calmed down once you realized his forehead pressed onto yours as he sighed. "Why panic at this small of a matter? Geez..." your cheeks turned scarlet. "Well, I'm sorry..." you paused for a second. "...your face is too close."

"Is it my fault? This is the only thing that could make you calm down."

"Hmm, point taken." He backs away. "Come on, it's getting late. We need to go home."


'It's always nice when he remembers what we used to do in our childhood.'

Tears rolled down on your cheeks as you sobbed, trying to wipe them away with your sleeve. You were once again pranked on--spilling water all over you. What's worse was the whole class was laughing at you, and almost no one bothered to help you as you ran away. Keyword: almost.

Of course, there's always a prince who was going to rescue his princess.

"(Y/N)?" Killua searched for you all over the whole school. Classrooms, restrooms, cafeteria, janitor's closet; no (Y/N) in sight. That's when he remembered.

He sprinted to the playground, not having a single bit of worry that he was cutting classes. You were more important to him, after all. "(Y/N)!" You flinched as you heard your name. Your eyes widened in surprise when you saw him. He gasped for air, out of breath. "K-killua!"

"Why didn't me...for help?"


"No buts!" He pressed his forehead to yours. "I'm always here for you, got that?"

"Hey." You were snapped out of thoughts as you felt someone flicking your forehead. "Ouch."

"You're at your home already, idiot. Can't you pay attention?" You pouted as you puffed out your cheeks. "I was reminiscing about childhood. Is that not fine?"

"Not fine if I called you hundreds of times and you can't even snap out of your train of thoughts unless I flick your forehead."

"Can't you be more gentle?"


"Cold as ever." You smiled. "Thanks, anyway. See you tomorrow."

"See ya." He patted your head before starting to walking away. You know what you did?

You kissed his cheek before he could walk away.

'Holy shizzles-' You rushed to your room afterwards, not being able to conceal your grin, which you had subconsciously summoned (when you run out of words lmao). 'What did I just do?! What if he didn't like it?! What if things turn awkward?! Why did I do that in the first place?!' You sighed. "Right..."

'He's comforted me through so many heartbreaks, so I want these feelings to reach him...' you thought as you touched your head, the part where he previously patted. You were having delusions again, and it was interrupted as you heard an all too familiar voice.

"MOM! (Y/N) is smiling all of a sudden! I think there's something wrong with her! We need to get her in a mental hospital right now!" Your little brother says, face paler than paper. "Shut up!"


Killua leaned on his door as soon as he gets home, covering the blush on his face. 'Why did she do that...?'


I got so lazy this became rushed lololol

childhood blues | killua zoldyckNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ