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"Okay darling, have a wonderful time! I'll see you at Christmas time and don't forget to write!" Vega's mother said.

"Okay, Mom." Vega replied, pulling the hood on her head lower on her forehead.

"And Vega, why are you wearing that?" Her mother reached out and tried to pull it off. Vega slapped her hand away. "Vega!"

"Sorry Mom, my hair won't cooperate. I've got to board the train. Goodbye, I love you!" Vega studied her mother, waiting to see if she'd say it back.

"Goodbye, Vega." Vega turned and boarded the train, keeping her hood down. She wanted to avoid as much attention as possible. She passed compartments until she got to an empty one. She sat closest to the window, distancing herself from people as much as possible.

The compartment door slid open.

"Hey, can I sit here?" The voice told that it was a boy, but if she looked at him, he'd annoy her the whole ride.

"Sure," Vega replied in a flat tone, "I don't really care." The boy sat down opposite her and she heard click, then saw a flash. Vega turned to look at him.

"What did you just do?" It was the boy from Flourish and Blott's.

"I won't tell you until you take your hood off." He said sassily.

"No," Vega replied quickly, "that is not happening."

"Well I won't tell you then."

"I don't want to take my hood off, plain and simple!" Vega crossed her arms defiantly.

"Well then I won't tell you, plain and simple!"

"You know what?" Vega could feel herself getting angry. "You don't want to see me angry, so I'm just going to take my hood off." She pulled her hood off and waited for it. But the boy didn't do anything except smile.

"I took a photo of you. This is a camera." Vega tilted her head at the weird contraption. "I'm Colin Creevey." He extended a hand and she smiled, holding her hand out.

"I'm Vega Delacour."

The two hit it off, talking about all sorts of things. By the time the trolley rolled around, they were deep in conversation.

"Wait, so you just kicked him?" Colin leaned forward in his seat, wide eyed.

"Yeah!" Vega laughed. "He ran away screaming like a little girl!"

"What happened after that?"


"Anything from the trolley, dears?" A friendly voice interrupted them. Vega smiled.

"No thank you." Vega replied politely.

"What would you recommend?" Colin asked.

"Hmm, probably the licorice wands or the chocolate frogs. Don't get the jellybeans."

So Colin, of course, got the jellybeans.

"I'm telling you, they have some awful flavors!" Vega remarked, holding her nose dramatically.

"Well I'm going to eat them. Want one?" Colin asked, opening the box.

"You bet I do!" Vega grinned. However, her grin soon was replaced. "Yuck! I got earwax!" She spit out the jellybean and Colin laughed.

"Well, I'm going to change into my robes. I'll be right back, Colin!" Vega got up and grabbed her robes. She loved how she could be herself around Colin. For some reason, he wasn't attracted to her as others were.

"Hi, I'm Oliver." A voice snapped her our of her thoughts. There was a tall boy with dark hair smiling down at her.

"Ew!" Vega continued on her way. She had forgotten about her situation, for once in her life. When she returned to their compartment, she saw a red headed girl peering in. When she noticed Vega, she held a finger up to her lips. 

"Shh, he's in there." Vega raised an eyebrow.

"I know he's in there, that's my compartment you dunce." Vega snapped, reaching out to grab the handle.

"Look." The red head said, pointing. Vega turned to look. He was slumped against the seat, his eyes closed. Panic bubbled up inside her.

"What happened? Is he okay?" Vega said frantically.

"You git, he's just sleeping." The girl said, rolling her eyes. Vega narrowed hers.

"Leave us alone and go away." Vega snapped, her hand on the handle.

"Can I sit with you?" She asked.

"Yes." Vega replied instantly, sliding open the door. Colin stirred a little bit, but stayed asleep. The girl sat across from them and Vega sat next to Colin and pulled on his robe.

"Colin, wake up." Vega said gently. "Come on, Colin." The mousy boy moved his head onto her lap and snuggled into her.

"Awe!" The girl cooed and Vega turned a bright red.

"Colin, get up!" she snapped, pushing him off her. He woke up with a start as he hit the floor.

"Ouch, Vega what the he-" upon seeing the red headed girl, he stopped himself.

"I'm Ginny." She introduced, then winked. "You two sure get along well." Vega blushed a deep red and turned her head towards the window.

"I'm Colin, this is Vega." Colin introduced, sweeping his hand towards Vega. "What do you think you're going to be? I might be a HufflePuff. Have you seen Harry Potter?"

Ginny blushed a little bit. "Yes, I have actually. He's been to my house before, my big brother is his best friend. Don't tell anyone, but I really like him. And Gryffindor I hope, all my brothers have been so far. I'm the only girl in my family, except for my mum of course. Say, do you guys have any siblings?"

"No." Vega said, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on the them.

"I do! My little brother's name is Dennis!" Colin said, smiling. "Smile, Ginny!" he took a picture of her with his camera and Ginny blinked rapidly.

"What the heck was that?" she said, still blinking rapidly. Vega giggled, remembering her personal experience with Colin's camera. She walked Ginny through the Muggle oddity and how it worked. Eventually Colin took over the conversation and Colin and Ginny talked together. Vega looked out the window at the blurring trees and thought about Fleur. What was Fleur doing right now? She was probably with her friends, having a blast. Why couldn't she just go to Beauxbaton's?

"Vega, we're here, come on!" Ginny said, pulling on her robe. Vega got up and walked into the corridor that was quickly flooding with students. She pulled a hat onto her head, looking at her feet. She wanted to delay the inevitable for as long as possible.

The young students were led to boats, where Vega shared one with Ginny, Colin, and some other girl whose name she didn't catch. Vega hung in the back, trying to not be noticed. She successfully made it through the first couple of kids to be sorted.

"Delacour, Vega!"


I apologize for the long wait, I have had a lot going on, but this book should be updated more now. Bare with me :/

Have a wonderful day!
Love, Hannah <3

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