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Warm laughter filled the room. "Pavo!" Vega giggled. A small baby gurgled back at her. Vega was in her little sister Pavo's room. Pavo was around four months old. Vega's mother hadn't been showing when Vega had left for her school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When Vega returned from school, her mother surprised her with a younger sister. She was an only child and made her extremely happy, though she felt pity for Pavo. Little  Pavo hadn't even a name when Vega came home, though she had been in the world already for two months. She was simply referred to as 'the baby.' Vega could remember the day quite clearly, for it had been quite a shock. 

"And just where have you been?!" Vega's mother demanded. Vega rolled her eyes.

 "Relax, Mother." Vega said exasperatedly. "I was out with my friends. Because I actually have friends, not just people who like how Veela I am. My whole year was great, thank you for asking. Come on, Fleur." Vega said as she pulled Fleur along. 

"Check in the third bedroom before you go into your room." her mother called out as she was leaving the room. Vega wrinkled her nose in confusion. What, did she have a present or something for Vega? Vega ascended the stairs with Fleur obediently. When they got to the top, she turned and went into the third bedroom. She opened the door and gasped. The third bedroom had been transformed into a type of nursery. The two girls approached the crib that was in the corner. Vega jumped as a gurgle came from it. There was a baby! 


"Vega, hurry! You're going to be late! Oh, and you're bringing that baby!" Vega  grabbed Pavo and her bag, rushing down the stairs. She was so excited to see her friends for the first time since their luncheon after they had returned. She had exchanged many letters with everyone, but had purposely left out the small detail of Pavo. Oh, how they were going to be shocked when they saw her!

"Vega, go right on in!" Mrs. Creevey said cheerily from the Creeveys' front yard. Although she didn't say anything, Vega knew she was quite curious about Vega's added weight. Vega laughed to herself, going into the house. 

"VEGA!" a chorus of voices exclaimed happily. It was Octavia who first commented about her weight. 

"Vega, you've gotten quite husky over the summer- what was that?!" Pavo turned over under Vega's shirt and then popped her head up through the collar. Octavia wheeled back in surprise. 

"Guys, this is Pavo. My little sister." as expected, everyone was very confused. "It turns out my mother was pregnant when I left for Hogwarts. She had Pavo while I was gone. When I came home, she didn't even have a name. I named her Pavo, after the peacock constellation. She is about five months old now." 

They all utterly loved Pavo. Mrs.  Creevey, who had joined them in time to hear about Pavo, especially took a liking to her. She was the daughter she never had. She took care of Pavo the whole time that Vega was there. 

Later, Vega joined Colin in the small garden that was located in the Creeveys' back yard. Everybody else was still inside, sitting in the parlor. Colin had brought Vega out to the garden to show her all the different types of flowers that all the Creeveys had planted over the summer. "My Merlin, this is beautiful!" Vega exclaimed, sitting down on a small stone bench that was off the path of the garden. 

"I love to come here often. It's so peaceful and quiet." Vega leaned against Colin, resting her eyes. 



As Vega sat there, leaning against her best friend, her mind blanked. Nothing was coming up. There wasn't a single thought left in her brain. She sat up suddenly and turned to Colin. He looked back at her in confusion. She sat there for a second, her face levelly vacant, before she launched herself at him. He stumbled back in confusion. "Woah, Vega! Vega!" 

Vega screamed inhumanely and launched herself again at Colin as he had gotten up. He took cautious steps backward as she went after him. He tripped on a loose rock and fell back. Vega threw herself at Colin and wrapped her fingers around his neck. He clawed at her hands and managed to pry them away from her neck. He scrambled back and she gave another cry as she followed after him. 

"Help!" Colin cried out. "HELP!" Vega grabbed his waist and pulled him to the ground. His back hit the ground with a thud and she twisted his arm tightly. He cried out in pain and he was sure his arm was going to break if she twisted any harder. He wrenched free from her grip and stood up. He didn't want to, but he had to fight back. She wasn't the best fighter, but she was good and that put him in jeopardy. He used to roughhouse with the neighbourhood boys, so he had some experience in the current field that he was being forced back into. 

Vega kicked out with her leg and Colin grabbed it.  He twisted it, which forced her to twist as well to avoid extreme pain. He pushed her back towards the ground. She grabbed his ankles, pulling hard, and he slid to the ground. 

"What are you doing Vega?!" he yelled as she pinned him to the ground roughly. She grabbed a handful of his hair and was about to throw his head back down on the stone path when a shout snagged her attention. The momentary distraction gave Colin an opportunity to try pushing her off. 

Octavia grabbed Vega's waist and threw her off of Colin. "Colin, run!" she yelled as she struggled to keep Vega back by her shoulders. Ginny grabbed Vega's shoulders and the two wrestled her to the ground. "Vega, this is not you!" 

Vega's eyes suddenly closed. Mr. Weasley, who had come along, came up to Vega, who was still in the ground. "She's under the Imperious Curse! Let her be a moment!" Ginny and Octavia got up from where they were holding Vega down. Mr. Creevey, who had come up behind them, piped in. 

"What's the Imperious Curse?" he asked. Mrs. Creevey was holding onto his arm, Colin and Dennis behind them. Mrs. Creevey was holding little Pavo. When she saw Vega lying on the ground, her hair sprawled around her and her head tilted to the left, her body limp, she started to wail. 

"The Imperious Curse is a tool of the Dark Arts and is one of the three Unforgivable Curses. It is one of the most powerful and sinister spells known to wizardkind. When cast successfully, the curse places the victim completely under the caster's control, though a person with exceptional strength of will is capable of resisting it. For a young girl of only twelve years of age, it is near impossible to lift a finger against it." 

Vega, who was still on the ground, started to stir. She sat up and looked at everyone around her. "Colin? Why is your nose bleeding? And why is Pavo crying?" Suddenly her eyes went wide. "Oh no..." she started to cry. She actually started to cry. Vega Delacour never cried. Crying showed emotion and she would not allow that. 

She stood up on shaky legs and walked over to Colin. Colin saved her the walk and rushed to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He rested his head on her shoulder as her body shook with sobs. 

"I am so sorry." 


So I just had like an emotional breakdown an hour ago but whatevs 

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Hannah <3

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