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"Are you sure, Helen?" Vega asked Colin's mother. She looked in the mirror skeptically. Vega was wearing an outfit Helen had picked out for her; it was composed of a tight sweater and a skirt. Helen positively beamed back at Vega.

"Yes, of course, dear!" she said, pulling back Vega's hair. She began to do it in an intricate braid and it only took her a couple of minutes before she was finished. She gave Vega a hand mirror and Vega raised it up to see her hair, but stopped. The mirror was a small one, about the size of her fist, and it was beautiful. There were designs all over it. Beautiful flowers swirled up to a crescent moon and then back down to a shining sun.

"Helen, where did you get this?" Vega asked. Helen looked startled but smiled. Her smile faded slowly as she gazed at a spot not it front of her, but way behind her, far behind in her past.

"When I was a little girl, I lived with my grandparents. My grandmother loved to cook and sew and garden. She was my best friend and always believed in me. Whenever I was scared or nervous, she used to tell me, 'you will do great things, my little sun, if only you believe in yourself and have courage,'. My grandfather's one passion was wood carving. He made so many beautiful things and I told him how much I loved them. One of my favorite things was my grandmother's looking glass. He had made it himself and given it to her as a wedding gift. He knew how much I liked it, and for my tenth birthday, he gave me one that he had made. It is now the one thing I have left of him." Vega turned and looked at Helen. She was smiling at the ground with teary eyes and Vega wrapped her arms around Helen's shoulders.

"Thank you Helen, I love how I look."

Hagrid, the groundskeeper for Hogwarts, arrived shortly after at the Creevey household. He was sent to escort Vega back to Hogwarts. Vega smiled up at him and said goodbye to Helen and Henry, hugging them tightly and promising to come back at Christmas time.

The journey seemed to take forever. They finally arrived at Hogwarts and Vega slipped on her Gryffindor robes. Hagrid informed Vega that it was dinner time and everyone would be in the Great Hall.

"Hagrid! I don't want everyone to look at me!" Vega said, her confidence unravelling faster than her braid already was, leaving baby hairs around her pale face.

"Dumbledore said it'd be fine. C'mon now," Hagrid said and pushed a door open. Dumbledore caught his eye and nodded, standing up.

"May I have everyone's attention? One of our own students, Vega Delacour, has been ill recently and couldn't come back to school. She has been recovering slowly and I am proud to announce that she is back today. Please give a pleasant welcome to Ms. Delacour!" Hagrid pushed the doors wide open, leaving Vega looking like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. She gulped and began to draw a blank, forgetting where she was. Her heart began to race and her breaths came in short, causing her lightheadedness. Suddenly, Helen's voice drifted into her mind, speaking calmly and wistfully.

"You will do great things, my little sun, if only you believe in yourself and have courage." with those words, Vega looked at the expectant faces. She took a deep breath, smiled, and walked straight to where the sorting stool had once been. Dumbledore raised his cup and everyone began cheering. The thunderous sound invaded Vega's ears, hurt her head, and filled her heart with warmness. She spotted Colin sitting at the Gryffindor table, looking postively elated. Via and Ginny were right next to him, waving and cheering. Vega looked back at Dumbledore and he nodded. She nearly ran back to the Gryffindor table.

"Vega!" she heard three people say at once and Vega's eyes filled with tears as she was reunited with her three best friends in the whole world.

"I missed you guys so much!" she said as she hugged them all at once, arms entangling together and hearts matching pace, beating wildly with pure joy. Everything would surely be alright now. She wasn't sick, she wasn't having her attacks, she was with her best friends, and dinner was about to be served.

Vega sat down and they all talked and laughed as they ate a grand celebratory feast (It was most definitely a cause for celebration). It was the greatest meal Vega had sat down to in a long while and she wouldn't want to share it with anyone else.

After dinner, Vega joined her best friends in going to their dorms. The fat lady greeted them but Vega caught her eye. "Oh, hello! Haven't seen you 'round here for a spell! Would you like to see me break a glass with just my voice?"

"I would love to!" Vega said and smiled, watching the fat lady screech loudly. It was just her and her friends because they took their time catching up and everyone else went before them.

The fat lady frowned as the glass didn't break. "Oh, well, maybe next time? Keep practicing and I'm sure you'll get it! Let me know when you're ready and I'll come and watch you!" the fat lady basked in Vega's good natured encouragement and let them in to the common room.

"Guys, why is it so dark?" Vega asked. Someone cried out a spell and the whole room lit up brilliantly. There were beautiful lights everywhere and a table full of sweets.

"WELCOME BACK, VEGA!" Surely every Gryffindor cried out. There was a sign that said 'Welcome back, Vega!' floating right in the middle. Her eyes, once again, filled with tears, but this time, she let one slip down her cheek. She spotted the Weasley twins smiling proudly and she knew that they had something to do with the floating sign. She turned to Ginny.

"Ginny, did you...?" Vega asked, trailing off.

"No!" Ginny said and giggled, her eyes bright. "It wasn't me, I just got my brothers to help!" she pointed to Colin, who blushed and looked to the ground.

"Colin? You did this?" Vega asked. Colin nodded and Vega threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you," she whispered.

"Thank you for coming back. I missed you so much."

They all enjoyed the party thoroughly, having loads of fun, making jokes, and just being themselves.

"Alright everyone! Let's take some photographs!" Vega yelled. Everyone got in a cluster and the Weasleys lowered the banner. Colin got the camera in position and set a timer, then ran to get in position. Everyone counted down and Vega smiled, then kissed Colin's cheek just in time for the photograph. They took one more, and Colin, Ginny, Octavia, and Vega all wrapped their arms around each other happily.

Later, as Vega lay in her bed, she smiled up at the dark. It had been one of the most amazing days in her life and she wanted every one to be like this.
I am so sorry that I'm so irregular with my updates but I'm going to try to update every other Sunday. I love you guys!

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Hannah <3

Vain {Colin Creevey}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant