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Vega walked down the hallway, on her way to the Quidditch match against HufflePuff with the Daily Prophet tucked under her arm. She was watching her shoes when she bumped into someone. Startled, she dropped her paper.

"Excuse me, I did not see you there," a dreamy voice said. A very pretty girl with blonde hair and big earrings bent down at the same time Vega did.

"Don't worry about it, I was just distracted," Vega said and picked up her paper. It read "The Quibbler" and Vega's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Is this yours..." she paused as she realised she did not know the girl's name.

"Luna. Luna Lovegood. That is indeed mine. Did you know my father is the editor of The Quibbler? He's very good at it."

"That's way cool! I'm Vega. Vega Delacour," Vega said as she handed her the paper.

"What does your father do?" Luna asked, observing Vega.

"Mmm, don't know. I've never known my father. I suppose he was someone that fell in love with my mother because she's pretty. I've never really thought about it much." Luna nodded.

"Terribly sorry. Anyways, I must be on my way. Nice to meet you, Vega Delacour."

"Pleasure to meet you, Luna. Goodbye!" Now, Vega had never really socialised with Ravenclaws, but she seemed extremely pleasant.

"What did I miss?" Vega asked, taking a seat next to Ginny. She pulled her rain slicker tighter around her as she saw a bolt of lightning in the sky. This was certainly not good Quidditch weather.

"Nothing, really. Say, Harry's up. Look at him go!" Ginny jumped out of her seat in excitement. Vega giggled, then shivered again. It was getting even more cold.

Harry soared into the clouds after the HufflePuff who was chasing the snitch. Vega rose to her feet as the HufflePuff came spiraling to the ground. What was going on up in the clouds?

For about three minutes, nothing happened. "Where are you, Harry?" Ginny whispered, her eyes scanning the clouds.

Suddenly, Harry came tumbling out of the sky without a broom. Ginny gripped Vega's hand and screamed. They raced down the stands as he hit the ground. It seemed his descent was slowed, but he looked like a rag doll.

Oh Merlin, please let him be alright.

Hermione and Ron were down by Harry already. Madame Pomfrey was making her way toward them. Vega knelt next to Harry.

"Harry, please, you have to be okay," Hermione said in her thick accent, fretting over him. Vega placed her hand on his forehead, but drew back in surprise.

"He's ice cold. It must have been dementors." Vega said as Madame Pomfrey reached him. "Nothing is broken." Madame Pomfrey looked at Vega.

"Come with me to the hospital wing, would you dear?" Vega was stunned to say the least but she knew now was no time for questions. She followed obediently, keeping her eyes on Harry. As she passed Ginny, her eyes were wide. What's going on? she mouthed. No idea. Vega mouthed back.

They got to the hospital wing and Harry was placed on a bed. The foot of the bed had a growing pile of gifts by admirers. HufflePuff had won the match, even though Harry had gotten injured.

Vega helped Madame Pomfrey heal Harry's cuts and bruises. The injuries weren't really that bad in the first place, but Harry had Quidditch practice nearly every day. To prevent awful soreness, Madame Pomfrey simply healed everything so that he wouldn't be going through pain every day.

"Vega, dear," Madame Pomfrey said in her light, kind voice. Vega looked up from where she had been hovering over Harry. Madame Pomfrey motioned Vega over to her. Vega walked over, out of earshot of Harry's friends.

"I've rarely seen someone so attentive to injuries like you today. You examined Harry and analyzed injuries far faster than I have even seen talented sixth years. I will have to inquire with Dumbledore about it, but how would you like to be my assistant? Sort of like an apprentice?" Vega was extremely surprised.

"Me?" Vega stuttered in disbelief. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, dear,"  Madame Pomfrey laughed. "I will meet you after dinner to talk with Dumbledore if you would like to."

"Are you kidding?" Vega cried, then quieted her voice. "Madame Pomfrey, I would absolutely love to!" Madame Pomfrey laughed at her enthusiastic response.

"It pleases me so that you have accepted my offer. You may go now. I will meet you in front of Dumbledore's office as soon as dinner is finished." Vega nodded, leaving excitedly. She raced around the halls to the library, where Colin had been all day. She searched for that familiar blonde hair and when she found it, she ducked around the other aisle to surprise him.

She peeked around the corner and saw someone else, a girl with dark hair, standing next to him. Her hand was on his shoulder and she laughed, tossing her hair back over her shoulder. Vega caught her voice. "So you really don't care about Vega? Like at all?" Vega's heart stopped. What? She didn't want to stay and listen, but she had to hear what Colin was going to say.

"No, Marie, I never said that! I care about Vega more than you could ever know. I have no idea why you would think that." Vega's heart swelled with pride.

"Come on Colin, I know you don't care about her." Marie whined. Vega had had enough and she stepped around the corner.

"Hello, Marie," she said icily. Marie's eyes widened.

"V-Vega!" Marie said in surprise. "Vega, I am so, so so-"

"Leave. Now." Marie nodded and hastily left. Vega rolled her eyes and then they landed on Colin. Colin smiled.

"It's okay, Colin, I heard what you said," Vega said, hugging him. "Now, let's go somewhere else, I have some exciting news and it's almost dinner time!" Colin laughed and they headed out of the library, hand in hand.

"So what do you have to tell me?" Colin asked. Vega was bubbling with excitement.

"Madame Pomfrey and I are going to talk to Dumbledore after dinner, but she offered me a job as her apprentice!" Vega practically shouted.

"That is so great, Vega!" Colin said, smiling and grabbing her hand.

"I don't know how long it will be for, but probably every day!" Colin's smile faded.

"But that will be so time consuming..." Colin started, looking at the ground. "Will we even have time together at all?" Vega looked at Colin pointedly.

"Colin, don't even think like that. I promise, I will always make time for you, okay? I promise." Colin nodded, playing with his camera in his lap.

"Okay," he agreed, "okay."

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a super super summer!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Hannah

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